403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /etc/apache2/conf.modules.d/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //etc/apache2/conf.modules.d/800-mod_security2.conf

# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!
# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!
# Make changes to modsec2.user.conf, or to a custom
# conf.modules.d/ configuration file.
# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!
# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!

# Mod Security requires Apache's mod_unique_id to operate
<IfModule mod_unique_id.c>
    LoadModule security2_module  modules/mod_security2.so

# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!
# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!
# Make changes to modsec2.user.conf, or to a custom
# conf.modules.d/ configuration file.
# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!
# WARNING: All changes to this file will be lost!

404 Not Found
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