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Current File : //opt/eig_wp/wp_install/common_core_add_redis.php

 * This code will add an ACL for a user to a redis server
 * Note: Loops over each host, because they are not slaved
function create_redis ($redis_hosts, $username, $pass, $master_user, $master_pass) {
    foreach (explode(',', $redis_hosts) as &$server) {
        $obj_r = new Redis();
        $obj_r->connect($server, 6379); //TODO: from options passed in
        $obj_r->auth([$master_user, $master_pass]); //TODO: does this script know the admin connection, or is it passed in?

        //TODO: generate a pass, or get it passed in?
        // IF we generate, we still only want to do it on a first hit, then return so it can get passed in for other servers
        //$pass = $obj_r->acl('GENPASS');  //If we want one generated

        $ret = $obj_r->acl('SETUSER', $username, 'on', '~' . $username . '__*', '>' . $pass, '+@string', '+@connection'); // Set the acl
        //ACL SETUSER <username> on ~<username>__* +@string +@connection +EXISTS +DEL >password
        //acl('SETUSER', 'noperm', 'on', '>noperm', '-@all'))
        //TODO:will we actually use the on syntax? need to test that
        $save = $obj_r->acl('SAVE');

        //test the connection? would create a new object with an auth with new credentials
        $test_obj = new Redis();
        $test_obj->connect($server, 6379);
        $test_obj->auth([$username, $pass]); //validate connection?
    // how do we return this

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