403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /opt/eig_wp/wp_install/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //opt/eig_wp/wp_install/common_core_post_install.php

//ini_set("display_errors", 1);

$time_begin = microtime(true);

// This will typically be /opt/eig_wp/wp_install/includes.php
// However, when testing withn the GIT repo the includes.php file resides
// [repo_path]/wp_install/includes.php. So we will detect and adapt.
$includes_path = __FILE__;
$includes_path = preg_replace('/\/[^\/]+$/', '', $includes_path);
// $redis_path = $includes_path;
$includes_path .= '/includes.php';
if (!file_exists($includes_path)) {
    die("[ERROR]\tincludes.php not found at $includes_path.");

// $redis_path .= '/common_core_add_redis.php';
// if (!file_exists($redis_path)) {
//     die("[ERROR]\tcommon_core_add_redis.php not found at $redis_path.");
// }
// include($redis_path);

$total_start = microtime(true);

$install_options = setup_options(
        "site_url"              => "",
        "brand"                 => "",
        "host_id"               => "",
        "token"                 => "",
        "blog_title"            => "Welcome",
        "user_name"             => "admin",
        "admin_email"           => "",
        "install_path"          => "",          // If not provided, fall back to just homedir/public_html.
        "core_source_path"      => "",          // This is a new field. It needs to reflect where to find the core install
        "mu_plugins"            => "::",        // Comma delimited list, required.
        "plugins"               => "::",        // Comma delimited list, required.
        "redis_hosts"           => "",
        "redis_master_user"     => "",
        "redis_master_pass"     => "",
        "redis_user_pass"       => "",

// create_redis($redis_hosts, $user_name, $redis_user_pass, $redis_master_user, $redis_master_pass);

// These fields (mu_plugins, and plugins) are comma-delimited lists.
$mu_plugins = explode(',', $install_options['mu_plugins']);
$plugins    = explode(',', $install_options['plugins']);

if (preg_match("/^\//", $install_options['install_path'])) {
    die("[ERROR]\tinstall_path must be a relative path to be appended to homedir/public_html");

if ( posix_getuid()  < 500 ) {
    die("[ERROR]\tUID < 500\n\n");

$pwu_data = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
$posix_username = $pwu_data['name'];
$homedir = "/home/" . $posix_username;
if ( getenv("HOME") ) { $homedir = getenv("HOME"); }

$install_path = $homedir
    . "/public_html"
    . (empty($install_options['install_path'] || $install_options['install_path'] == "")
          ? ""
          : ("/" . $install_options['install_path']));

if ( ! is_dir("$install_path") ) {
    //die("No dir.. something is wrong. ($install_path)\n");

# Spot check
if ( ! is_dir("$install_path/wp-content/") ) {
    die("wp-content dir missing\n");


// create_wpconf ( $install_options['db_name'], $install_options['db_user'], $install_options['db_password'], $install_options['table_prefix'] );
// wp-config.php was created by the calling script.
if (!file_exists('wp-config.php')) {
    die("No wp-config.php was found.\n");

define( 'WP_INSTALLING', true );

require_once( 'wp-load.php' );
require_once( 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
require_once( 'wp-includes/wp-db.php' );

$time_last = microtime(true);
$time = round(($time_last - $time_begin), 3);
echo "Library and config setup (${time})\n";

// blog title, username, user_email, public (bool), deprecated_value, user_pass, lang
wp_install( $install_options['blog_title'], $install_options['user_name'], $install_options['admin_email'], '1', '');

$time_next = microtime(true);
$time = round(($time_next - $time_last), 3);
echo "WP_install (${time})\n";
$time_last = $time_next;

// Turn off default password nag -- Maybe we should have it look up
// username instead of assuming its ID 1
update_user_option( 1, 'default_password_nag', false, true );

if ( ! $install_options['site_url'] ) {
    list($host) = explode('.', gethostname() );
    $url = "http://" . $host .  ".temp.domains/~" . $posix_username;
} else {
    $url = $install_options['site_url'];

update_option_audit( 'siteurl', $url );
update_option_audit( 'home', $url );

update_option_audit( 'close_comments_for_old_posts' , '1');
update_option_audit( 'close_comments_days_old', '28');
update_option_audit( 'comments_per_page', '20');
update_option_audit( 'mm_install_date', date('Y-m-d') );
update_option_audit( 'mm_coming_soon', 'true');
update_option_audit( 'mm_brand', $install_options['brand'] );
update_option_audit( 'host_id', $install_options['host_id'] );
//update_option_audit( '_mm_refresh_token', $install_options['token'] );
update_option_audit( "permalink_structure", '/%postname%/' );
if ($install_options['admin_email']) {
    update_option_audit( 'admin_email', $install_options['admin_email'] );

$time_next = microtime(true);
$time = round(($time_next - $time_last), 3);
echo "Update options (${time})\n";
$time_last = $time_next;

// Check existence of mu_plugins, and activate plugins.

$time_next = microtime(true);
$time = round(($time_next - $time_last), 3);
echo "Activate plugins (${time})\n";
$time_last = $time_next;

update_option_audit( "enduance_page_cache", '2' );

$GLOBALS['wp_rewrite'] = new WP_Rewrite();
$rules = explode( "\n", $wp_rewrite->mod_rewrite_rules() );
insert_with_markers( ".htaccess", 'WordPress', $rules );

echo "[OK]\tWP Install COMPLETE.\n";

$time_next = microtime(true);
$time = round(($time_next - $time_last), 3);
echo "Final writes (${time})\n";
$time_last = $time_next;

$total_end = microtime(true);
$time = round(($total_end - $total_start), 5);
//echo "Total install time ($time) seconds\n";

$time_end = microtime(true);
$time2 = round(($time_end - $time_begin), 3);
echo "Completed (${time2})\n";

echo "

WP Blog installed at $url/

Total install time ($time) seconds



404 Not Found
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