403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /proc/thread-self/root/var/migration_dir/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/var/migration_dir/cpmove-davepow3.tar_skel.log.1.1.1

Attempting restoration of the account backup “/var/migration_dir/cpmove-davepow3.tar” (user: davepow3) …
The user “davepow3” already exists on this system. If you really want to do this, run the following command: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/restorepkg --skipaccount /var/migration_dir/cpmove-davepow3.tar

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/restorepkg [--unrestricted] [--restricted] [--force] [--newuser <username>] [--allow_reseller] [--skipaccount] [--ip=(y|n|custom IP)] [--disable=<module>[,<module>]] -- [cpuser|/path/to/cpuser-file|/path/to/extracted-cpuser-file|/path/to/incremental_backup]

 --allow_reseller   Restore reseller privileges if the archive contains them.
                    NOTE: This option is only available in unrestricted mode.

 --force            Force the package to restore and overwrite all account settings
                    and databases.  If the account already exists on the system
                    this implies --skipaccount.

 --ip               Assign a dedicated IP address. You may specify a particular
                    IP address, or “y” to have one randomly assigned.

 --newuser          Specify the username to use for the restored account instead
                    of the one contained within the archive.  Databases and DB
                    users will retain their names unless a conflict is detected.
                    This option cannot be used with --skipaccount.

 --skipaccount      Restore the package into the existing account with the same
                    username. This option cannot be used in conjunction with

 --disable          Specify a comma-separated list of modules to disable during
                    the restore. Valid modules are listed below.
                    WARNING: Disabling modules during the restore can result in
                    a broken account. cPanel strongly recommends that you do not
                    disable modules during the restore. Use this feature with
                    extreme caution.

 --restricted       Use the Restricted Restore feature to restore the package.

 --unrestricted     Restore the package in unrestricted mode. This flag is on by
                    default and overridden by the --restricted flag.

 NOTE: As of cPanel & WHM 11.44, the “--override” option is no longer available.
 Put custom modules in /var/cpanel/perl/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems/ instead.

 To specify a dedicated IP address for a restored account, the “--ip” option requires an argument of “y” for yes, or “n” for no.
 Alternatively, this option’s value may be a specific IP address to dedicate to the account.

  Do not restore account backups in unrestricted mode from anyone whom you would
  not trust with root access to this server. There are a variety of ways in which
  malicious users may add or escalate privileges via account backups when they
  are restored in unrestricted mode.

  Restricted Restore performs additional security checks on the backup file.
  If a component of the backup file has a security issue, the system will not
  restore that portion of the backup.

  Restricted Restore is experimental and should not be considered an effective security
  control at this time.  It is intended to allow you to restore backups from untrusted
  sources in a future release. cPanel strongly recommends that you do not restore
  data from anyone whom you would not trust with root access to the server.

  For more information, please see: https://go.cpanel.net/insecurerestoreaccount

	APITokens      		MysqlRemoteNotes
	Account        		NobodyFiles
	AuthnLinks     		OldHomedirs
	AutoSSL        		Package
	BackupConfig   		Password
	BandwidthData  		PostRestoreActions
	Counter        		Postgres
	CpUser         		PreRestoreActions
	Cron           		ProxySubdomains
	CustomLocale   		PublicContact
	DKIM           		PublicHtmlSymlinks
	DigestShadow   		PublishZones
	Domains        		Quota
	FeatureList    		Reseller
	FileProtect    		Roundcube
	Ftp            		SPF
	Homedir        		SSL
	Horde          		Shell
	Htaccess       		SpamAssassin
	IPAddress      		Subaccount
	Integration    		Suspend
	Logs           		Tomcat
	Mail           		Unsuspend
	MailFix        		VhostIncludes
	MailLimits     		Vhosts
	MailRouting    		WebDiskHomedir
	Mailman        		ZoneFile
	Mysql          		userdata

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