403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /proc/thread-self/root/var/migration_dir/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/var/migration_dir/cpmove-troupbap.tar_skel.log.1.1.1

Attempting restoration of the account backup “/var/migration_dir/cpmove-troupbap.tar” (user: troupbap) …
cPanel restorepkg version: 2.3
Archive user: troupbap
Restricted: no
Allow Reseller Privileges: no

The system will attempt to restore the archive file “/var/migration_dir/cpmove-troupbap.tar”.
You have successfully enqueued this account’s restoration. This restoration’s ID is “box2210bluehosresto201911091946436LV”.

You can see the progress of this restoration below. If you need to show this again, run the following command:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/view_transfer box2210bluehosresto201911091946436LV
The transfer with the session id, “box2210bluehosresto201911091946436LV” is running with PID “350532”.
[350532][MASTER    ]: Start Session
[350532][MASTER    ]: Version: 2.3
[350532][MASTER    ]: Queue “RESTORE” items: 1
[350532][MASTER    ]: Remote Host: 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ]: Starting “Account”: troupbap
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 0% (2019-11-09 12:46:44 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Starting “RESTORE” for “Account” “troupbap”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 10% (2019-11-09 12:46:44 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Restore File: /var/migration_dir/cpmove-troupbap.tar
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Restore Reseller Privs: no
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Restricted mode: no
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Express mode: no
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Target “/var/migration_dir” on host “box2210.bluehost.com” has 418.4 GB free and requires at least 51.27 MB free, which includes space for temporary files.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: The “Reseller” restore module has the following areas disabled by request: “all”
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: ArchiveManager
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Preparing archive for restoration …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Calculating disk space needed …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Done.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Target “/var/migration_dir/cpanelpkgrestore.TMP.work.1db24d98/unsafe_to_read_archive” on host “box2210.bluehost.com” has 418.4 GB free and requires at least 51.27 MB free, which includes space for temporary files.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		This archive’s payload appears to be in the archive’s “cpmove-troupbap” directory.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	ArchiveManager
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	The system successfully prepared the archive for restoration.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: PreRestoreActions
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Running prerestore script
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	PreRestoreActions
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Can't locate object method "die" via package "Whostmgr::Transfers::Utils" at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems/PreRestoreActions.pm line 84.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 14% (2019-11-09 12:46:45 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Account
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Force Mode: no
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Dedicated IP Address: no
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Checking input data...Forced Dns is enabled.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Validating Username......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Validating IP......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Validating Contact Email......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Validating system setup......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Checking for database conflicts......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	WWWAcct 12.6.0 (c) 2019 cPanel, Inc....
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	+===================================+
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| New Account Info                  |
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	+===================================+
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Domain: troupbaptist.org
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Ip: (n)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| HasCgi: n
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| UserName: troupbap
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| PassWord: HIDDEN
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| CpanelMod: bluehost
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| HomeRoot: /home2
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Quota: 0 bytes
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| NameServer1: ns1.bluehost.com
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| NameServer2: ns2.bluehost.com
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| NameServer3: 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| NameServer4: 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Contact Email: 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Package: Platinum Pak
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Feature List: default
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	| Language: en
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	+===================================+
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Custom Account Data Provided: no
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Running pre creation script (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/prewwwacct)......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Adding User...Removing Shell Access (n)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Success...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Adding Entries to userdata......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Copying skel files from /root/cpanel3-skel/ to /home2/troupbap/......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Setting up Mail & Local Domains...localdomains...valiases ...vdomainaliases ...vfilters ......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Configuring DNS...Zone troupbaptist.org has been successfully added
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Verifying MX Records and Setting up Databases...Reconfiguring Mail Routing:
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	LOCAL MAIL EXCHANGER: This server will serve as a primary mail exchanger for troupbaptist.org's mail.:
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	 This configuration has been manually selected.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Setting up Service Subdomains......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Bind reloading on box2210 using rndc zone: [troupbaptist.org]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Bind reloading on box2210 using rndc zone: [troupbaptist.org]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Updating Authentication Databases......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Setting passwords......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Updating the userdata cache......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Setting up Horde database in the background.......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Creating bandwidth datastore......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Updating the dedicated IP address usage cache......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Generating and installing DKIM keys......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Enabling Apache SpamAssassin™......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Sending Account Information......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Running post creation scripts (/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/legacypostwwwacct, /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postwwwacct, /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/postwwwacctuser)...
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Running postwwwacct...Checking Domain troupbaptist.org against domain blacklist
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	wwwacct creation finished
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Setting up Domain Pointers......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Setting Reseller Privs......Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Account Creation Complete!!!...Account Creation Ok...Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Account
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Account created
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 20% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: IPAddress
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	IPAddress
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 21% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: CpUser
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring cPanel user file.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updating Caches …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	CpUser
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	CpUser data restored
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 22% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Package
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Package
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	The package exists on the system.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 23% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: FeatureList
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	FeatureList
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Feature list exists.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 24% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Homedir
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Homedir…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		This account archive contains no home directory files to restore.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Homedir
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Homedir restored
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 32% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: OldHomedirs
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Linking old home directories
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		The system will restore the old home directory link “/home7/troupbap” …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Done.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	OldHomedirs
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 34% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Domains
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Retrieving and sanitizing main userdata …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Parsing domain databases …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		…Subdomains…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		…ParkedDomains…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		…AddonDomains…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Domains …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Subdomain “freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org” …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		The subdomain “freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org” has been added.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Addon Domain “freshfireministries.com” on to “freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org” …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Domain was successfully parked.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Done
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Installing DNS Entries for SubDomains…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org: [ADD:A@freshfireministries:]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		www.freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org: [ADD:A@www.freshfireministries:]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Setting up Bandwidth databases for SubDomains…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updating internal databases…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Domains
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Domains restored
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Roundcube
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Roundcube
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 35% (2019-11-09 12:46:47 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Mysql
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Preparing MySQL restore …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Databases owned by “troupbap” will be overwritten on conflict.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring MySQL databases
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring MySQL database mappings
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring MySQL privileges
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Database users owned by “troupbap” will be overwritten on conflict.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Storing MySQL Grants
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Mysql
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 38% (2019-11-09 12:46:48 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: NobodyFiles
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	NobodyFiles
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 40% (2019-11-09 12:46:48 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Integration
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Integration
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 41% (2019-11-09 12:46:48 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Horde
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Horde (if any)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updating the horde configuration.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Running database checks for 1 account(s) …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Starting update of 1 user in parallel …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		------------------------------------------------------------------------
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Summary:
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Ran database checks on 1 account(s).
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		There were 0 accounts with failures during this process (see above): 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		    n/a
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		There were 1 accounts successfully processed: 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		    troupbap
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		There were 0 accounts that did not need any work done: 
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		    n/a
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Fixing hostnames: box787.bluehost.com => box2210.bluehost.com.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Horde
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 42% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Mail
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Mail files
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Resetting Quotas to sane values
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Mail
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 43% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: MailFix
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Fixing mail permissions
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Converting to maildir if needed
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	MailFix
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 44% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: DKIM
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	DKIM
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	DKIM restored
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 45% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Counter
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Counter Data
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Counter
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 46% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: AutoSSL
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	AutoSSL
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 47% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Mailman
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Mailman lists
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Mailman
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Mailman Restored
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 48% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: PublicContact
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	PublicContact
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 50% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: BackupConfig
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring backup config …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updated backup config for “troupbap”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring legacy backup config …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updated legacy backup config for “troupbap”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	BackupConfig
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Unsuspend
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Unsuspending .htaccess files for domains troupbaptist.org, freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org, and freshfireministries.com.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Unsuspend
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 51% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: PublicHtmlSymlinks
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	PublicHtmlSymlinks
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 52% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: CustomLocale
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	CustomLocale
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	OK
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 54% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Shell
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring shell
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		The user’s shell is already set to “/usr/local/cpanel/bin/noshell”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Shell
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Cron
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring crontab
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Cron
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 55% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: VhostIncludes
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring custom virtualhost templates…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	VhostIncludes
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 57% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: SpamAssassin
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	SpamAssassin
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Ran SpamAssassin check
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 58% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: DigestShadow
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	DigestShadow
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: userdata
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring userdata…
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring userdata for “troupbaptist.org” …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring userdata for “freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org” …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	userdata
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 60% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Logs
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Logs
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 61% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Ftp
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring ftp password file
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Resyncing FTP Passwords
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		1
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Ftp
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 62% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Postgres
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Preparing PostgreSQL restore …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		This archive contains no PostgreSQL data.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Postgres
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 65% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: FileProtect
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	FileProtect
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 66% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: SSL
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	The SSL certificate is now installed onto the domain “troupbaptist.org” using the IP address “”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	The SSL certificate is now installed onto the domain “freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org” using the IP address “”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	SSL
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 67% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: WebDiskHomedir
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	WebDiskHomedir
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 68% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Htaccess
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Htaccess
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	No need to update htaccess files.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 70% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Subaccount
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Subaccount
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Ran Subaccount database checks
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Password
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring password …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Password for “troupbap” has been changed.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Password
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 71% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: MailLimits
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring mail limits (if any)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	MailLimits
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 72% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Tomcat
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Tomcat
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 74% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Vhosts
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Refreshing vhosts and restarting apache
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Vhosts
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: ZoneFile
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring DNS zones
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Fetching existing zones.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring zone: “freshfireministries.com”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring zone: “troupbaptist.org”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Cluster Zone Updates: “freshfireministries.com” and “troupbaptist.org”
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	ZoneFile
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 75% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: SPF
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updating SPF Records
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	SPF
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 77% (2019-11-09 12:46:50 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: MailRouting
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Update mail routing
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		LOCAL MAIL EXCHANGER: This server will serve as a primary mail exchanger for troupbaptist.org's mail.This configuration has been manually selected.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		LOCAL MAIL EXCHANGER: This server will serve as a primary mail exchanger for freshfireministries.troupbaptist.org's mail.This configuration has been automatically detected based on your mx entries.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		LOCAL MAIL EXCHANGER: This server will serve as a primary mail exchanger for freshfireministries.com's mail.This configuration has been automatically detected based on your mx entries.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	MailRouting
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 78% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: ProxySubdomains
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Update service subdomains for “troupbap”.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		freshfireministries.com            [ADD:A@webmail:, ADD:A@cpcontacts:, ADD:SRV@_carddavs._tcp:0 0 2080 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_carddavs._tcp:path=/, ADD:A@cpanel:, ADD:A@webdisk:, ADD:SRV@_caldavs._tcp:0 0 2080 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_caldavs._tcp:path=/, ADD:A@cpcalendars:, ADD:A@whm:, ADD:SRV@_carddav._tcp:0 0 2079 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_carddav._tcp:path=/, ADD:SRV@_caldav._tcp:0 0 2079 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_caldav._tcp:path=/]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		freshfireministries.troupbaptist.o…[ADD:A@cpcalendars.freshfireministries:, ADD:SRV@_autodiscover._tcp.freshfireministries:0 0 443 cpanelemaildiscovery.cpanel.net., ADD:A@webdisk.freshfireministries:, ADD:A@autoconfig.freshfireministries:, ADD:A@cpcontacts.freshfireministries:, ADD:SRV@_caldavs._tcp.freshfireministries:0 0 2080 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_caldavs._tcp.freshfireministries:path=/, ADD:A@autodiscover.freshfireministries:, ADD:A@webmail.freshfireministries:, ADD:SRV@_carddav._tcp.freshfireministries:0 0 2079 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_carddav._tcp.freshfireministries:path=/, ADD:SRV@_caldav._tcp.freshfireministries:0 0 2079 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_caldav._tcp.freshfireministries:path=/, ADD:A@cpanel.freshfireministries:, ADD:A@whm.freshfireministries:, ADD:SRV@_carddavs._tcp.freshfireministries:0 0 2080 box2210.bluehost.com., ADD:TXT@_carddavs._tcp.freshfireministries:path=/]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		troupbaptist.org                   [REPLACE:SRV@_caldav._tcp:0 0 2079 box2210.bluehost.com., REPLACE:SRV@_caldavs._tcp:0 0 2080 box2210.bluehost.com., REPLACE:SRV@_carddav._tcp:0 0 2079 box2210.bluehost.com., REPLACE:SRV@_carddavs._tcp:0 0 2080 box2210.bluehost.com.]
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	ProxySubdomains
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: PublishZones
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Reloading zones
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	PublishZones
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 80% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: PostRestoreActions
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updating Caches …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Enabling IPv6 for account …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Updating Nameserver IP Address Report
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Syncing contact information
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Running postrestore script
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	PostRestoreActions
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 81% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: APITokens
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	APITokens
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 82% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Quota
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring quota
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Quota
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 83% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: MysqlRemoteNotes
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	MysqlRemoteNotes
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 84% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: AuthnLinks
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	AuthnLinks
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 85% (2019-11-09 12:46:51 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: BandwidthData
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Restoring Bandwidth Data
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		Importing legacy RRD data …
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	BandwidthData
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 88% (2019-11-09 12:46:59 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Suspend
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 		The user “troupbap” was not suspended. The system will not suspend the restored user.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Suspend
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 90% (2019-11-09 12:46:59 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Progress: 100% (2019-11-09 12:46:59 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: 	Success.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Warning (“Homedir::restricted_restore”, line 119): This account archive contains no home directory files to restore.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Skipped item (“AccountRestoration::_run_restore_system_module”, line 474): The “PreRestoreActions” restore module failed because of an error: Can't locate object method "die" via package "Whostmgr::Transfers::Utils" at /usr/local/cpanel/Whostmgr/Transfers/Systems/PreRestoreActions.pm line 84.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ][A:troupbap        ]: Altered item (“Shell::unrestricted_restore”, line 119): “/bin/noshell” is not a valid shell on this system. This account will use the “/usr/local/cpanel/bin/noshell” shell instead.
[350534][RESTORE:1 ]: Account “troupbap”: Warning (1 warning, 1 skipped item, and 1 altered item)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ]: Progress: 100% (2019-11-09 12:47:00 -0700)
[350534][RESTORE:1 ]: Child Complete
[350532][MASTER    ]: Session Complete

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