403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /proc/thread-self/root/var/softaculous/phpqrcode/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/var/softaculous/phpqrcode/info.xml

<soft xmlns="http://www.softaculous.com">
		<img src="logo.gif" style="float:right;" alt="" />{{overview}}
		<font size="5" color="#182e7a">PHP QR Code</font> is an open source library for generating QR Code, 2-dimensional barcode. Based on libqrencode C library, provides API for creating QR Code barcode images. <br /><br />

PHP QR Code is implemented purely in PHP, with no external dependencies (except GD2 if needed). <br /><br />
		PHP QR Code is released under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html" target="_blank">GNU/LGPL LICENSE</a>.
Some of library features includes: <br /><br />
<li>Supports QR Code versions (size) 1-40</li>
<li>Numeric, Alphanumeric, 8-bit and Kanji encoding</li>
<li>Implemented purely in PHP, no external dependencies except GD2</li>
<li>Exports to PNG, JPEG images, also exports as bit-table</li>
<li>TCPDF 2-D barcode API integration</li>
<li>Easy to configure</li>
<li>Data cache for calculation speed-up</li>
<li>Provided merge tool helps deploy library as a one big dependency-less file</li>
<li>Debug data dump, error logging, time benchmarking</li>

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