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Current File : //usr/share/doc/iptraf-ng-1.1.4/README.platforms

IPTraf Development Platform Information

As of IPTraf 2.8.0, development is primarily done on an Intel 1.6-GHz
Pentium 4 development workstation, as well as a lower-end 400 MHz Pentium
II.  I have to make it clear that my development platform is Linux for the
x86 family of processors *only*.  I cannot always debug or troubleshoot
quirks specific to non-x86 machines, as much as I would like to.  
However, I know I have to be accommodating so if you do give me a bug
report, I will try my best to fix it, but I need:

	1.  All the information needed describing the bug
	2.  To the best extent possible, gdb or strace outputs.
	3.  An offer to test the fixes.

Without these, especially #3, I cannot exert effort on the quirk.  I'm
sorry, but it's just impossible without the necessary machines.

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