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0.5.0 - 2013-03-XX
  - add libxml2 headers and library to Makefile
  - add libxml2-devel build req to rpm spec
  - split out header, add memstream utils from Augeas
  - integrate with Travis CI
  - Takefile: add gem authors metadata
  - Augeas::transform: add .lns suffix if a module name is passed
    to match aug_transform behaviour
  - add Augeas::clearm
  - add Augeas::context and Augeas::context=
  - add Augeas::label
  - add Augeas::rename
  - add Augeas::srun
  - add Augeas::text_retrieve
  - add Augeas::text_store

0.4.1 - 2011-03-29
  - remove object files from release tarball

0.4.0 - 2011-03-25
  - set can now set multiple elements at once
  - expose aug_setm as Augeas#setm
  - expose error functions through Augeas#error
  - expose aug_span as Augeas#span

0.3.0 - 2009-08-12
  - Require augeas >= 0.5.1
  - Bindings for aug_load, aug_defvar, and aug_defnode
  - Augeas::transform: convenience method for setting up transforms
  - Augeas::set: allow passing in nil as the value
  - Augeas::open: make args optional, accept block
  - Exception raising versions of set, load, and save

0.2.0 - 2008-08-26
  Details for this and earlier releases need to be extracted from the
  history of the git repo

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