403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /usr/share/locale/cy/LC_MESSAGES/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/cy/LC_MESSAGES/gtk30.mo

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��kt�iH*�.=b��1$�^L�Eu��v�7N�����&�u�_{��Q���2	�Qz<8s���d5Y{c�o+��de����r�����W82!6S�ey~�hK.�'�k/"q���GR�:l%;��}�>��S�e]|0T�O�j���4��-ga��N`q4�����dE��;.�W�v"%s" could not be converted to a value of type "%s" for attribute "%s""%s" is not a valid attribute name"%s" is not a valid attribute type"%s" is not a valid value for attribute "%s"%1$s on %2$s%H:%M%s job #%d(None)<%s> element has neither a "name" nor an "id" attributeA <%s> element has already been specifiedA <text> element can't occur before a <tags> elementA file named "%s" already exists.  Do you want to replace it?A_t:About %sAcceleratorDisabledAcceleratorInvalidAdd Cover PageAdd the current folder to the bookmarksAdd the folder '%s' to the bookmarksAdd the selected folder to the BookmarksAdd the selected folders to the bookmarksAdvancedAll sheetsAmharic (EZ+)Amount of blue light in the color.Amount of green light in the color.Amount of red light in the color.Anonymous tag found and tags can not be created.ApplicationArtwork byAttribute "%s" is invalid on <%s> element in this contextAttribute "%s" repeated twice on the same <%s> elementAuto SelectBe_fore:Both "id" and "name" were found on the <%s> elementBourne Again ShellBourne ShellBrightness of the color.CLASSCOLORSC_ollateC_reditsC_urrent PageCache file created successfully.
Cannot change to folder because it is not localCedillaClassifiedClick the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this entry, drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select "Save color here."Co_nnectColorColor SelectionColor WheelColor _name:Command LineCompleting...ConfidentialConnect _anonymouslyConnect as u_ser:Copie_s:CopiesCopy URLCopy _Link AddressCopy _LocationCould not add a bookmarkCould not clear listCould not find the icon '%s'. The '%s' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:
	%sCould not get information for file '%s': %sCould not mount %sCould not read the contents of %sCould not read the contents of the folderCould not remove bookmarkCould not remove itemCould not rename %s back to %s: %s.
Could not rename %s to %s: %s
Could not rename %s to %s: %s, removing %s then.
Could not retrieve information about the fileCould not select fileCould not send the search requestCould not show linkCould not start the search processCreate Fo_lderCreate in _folder:CreditsCustom Size %dCustom sizeCyrillic (Transliterated)DISPLAYDesktopDo use the Wintab API [default]Documented byDon't batch GDI requestsDon't check for the existence of index.themeDon't include image data in the cacheDon't use the Wintab API for tablet supportDown PathElement <%s> is not allowed below <%s>EmptyError creating folder '%s': %sError creating print previewError from StartDocError launching previewError loading icon: %sError parsing option --gdk-debugError parsing option --gdk-no-debugEven sheetsFLAGSFailed to load iconFailed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image fileFailed to open file %s : %s
Failed to open file '%s': %sFailed to rewrite header
Failed to write cache file: %s
Failed to write folder index
Failed to write hash table
Failed to write header
FileFile SystemFile System RootFile not found: %s
FilesFinishingFontFont SelectionForget password _immediatelyGTK+ OptionsGTK+ debugging flags to setGTK+ debugging flags to unsetGeneralGetting printer information failedGetting printer information...HighIPAIcon '%s' not present in themeImage QualityInput _MethodsInuktitut (Transliterated)Invalid URIInvalid argument to PrintDlgExInvalid file nameInvalid handle to PrintDlgExInvalid pathInvalid pointer to PrintDlgExJobJob DetailsLRE Left-to-right _embeddingLRM _Left-to-right markLRO Left-to-right _overrideLandscapeLayoutLicenseLoad additional GTK+ modulesLocationLowMODULESMake X calls synchronousMake all warnings fatalManage Custom SizesManage Custom Sizes...Margins from Printer...Margins:
 Left: %s %s
 Right: %s %s
 Top: %s %s
 Bottom: %s %sMediumModifiedMutedNAMENameNeed user interventionNew accelerator...No deserialize function found for format %sNo item for URI '%s' foundNo items foundNo matchNo printer foundNo recently used resource found with URI `%s'No theme index file in '%s'.
If you really want to create an icon cache here, use --ignore-theme-index.
NoneNot a valid icon cache: %s
Not availableNot enough free memoryOdd sheetsOn _holdOne SidedOp_acity:Open '%s'Opening %d ItemOpening %d ItemsOpening %sOther...Out of paperOutermost element in text must be <text_view_markup> not <%s>Output TrayOutput a C header fileOutput t_ray:Overwrite an existing cache, even if up to datePDFPDF _Pop directional formattingPage %uPage SetupPagesPages Per SheetPages per _sheet:Pages per _side:PaperPaper MarginsPaper SizePaper SourcePaper TypePaper _source:Paper _type:Path does not existPausedPick a ColorPick a FontPlacesPortraitPosition on the color wheel.PostscriptPreparingPreparing %dPri_ority:PrintPrint DocumentPrint to FilePrint to LPRPrint to Test PrinterPrinterPrinter DefaultPrinter offlinePrinting %dProgram class as used by the window managerProgram name as used by the window managerRLE Right-to-left e_mbeddingRLM _Right-to-left markRLO Right-to-left o_verrideRangeReceived invalid color data
Recently UsedRemember _foreverRemember password until you _logoutRemoveRemove the bookmark '%s'Remove the selected bookmarkRename...SCREENSame as --no-wintabSans 12Save in _folder:Sc_ale:Se_lectionSearchSearch:SecretSelect A FileSelect the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or lightness of that color using the inner triangle.Select which type of documents are shownSelect which types of files are shownSerialized data is malformedSerialized data is malformed. First section isn't GTKTEXTBUFFERCONTENTS-0001Shortcut %s already existsShortcut %s does not existShow GTK+ OptionsShow _Hidden FilesShow _Private ResourcesSi_ze:SimpleSizeSize of the palette in 8 bit modeSole completionSome of the settings in the dialog conflictSpecify one or more page ranges,
 e.g. 1-3,7,11StandardStarting %sStatusStock labelBest _FitStock labelC_onnectStock labelCu_tStock labelDecrease IndentStock labelErrorStock labelFind and _ReplaceStock labelIncrease IndentStock labelInformationStock labelLandscapeStock labelPortraitStock labelPrint Pre_viewStock labelQuestionStock labelSave _AsStock labelSelect _AllStock labelWarningStock labelZoom _InStock labelZoom _OutStock label_AboutStock label_AddStock label_ApplyStock label_AscendingStock label_BoldStock label_CancelStock label_CenterStock label_ClearStock label_CloseStock label_ColorStock label_ConvertStock label_CopyStock label_DeleteStock label_DescendingStock label_DiscardStock label_DisconnectStock label_EditStock label_ExecuteStock label_FillStock label_FloppyStock label_FontStock label_FullscreenStock label_HelpStock label_HomeStock label_IndexStock label_InformationStock label_ItalicStock label_Jump toStock label_Leave FullscreenStock label_LeftStock label_NetworkStock label_NewStock label_NoStock label_Normal SizeStock label_OKStock label_OpenStock label_PasteStock label_PreferencesStock label_PrintStock label_PropertiesStock label_QuitStock label_RedoStock label_RefreshStock label_RemoveStock label_RevertStock label_RightStock label_SaveStock label_Spell CheckStock label_StopStock label_StrikethroughStock label_UndeleteStock label_UnderlineStock label_UndoStock label_YesStock label, mediaP_auseStock label, mediaPre_viousStock label, mediaR_ewindStock label, media_ForwardStock label, media_NextStock label, media_PlayStock label, media_RecordStock label, media_StopStock label, navigation_BackStock label, navigation_BottomStock label, navigation_DownStock label, navigation_FirstStock label, navigation_ForwardStock label, navigation_LastStock label, navigation_TopStock label, navigation_UpT_wo-sided:Tag "%s" already definedTag "%s" does not exist in buffer and tags can not be created.Tag "%s" has invalid priority "%s"Tag "%s" has not been defined.Thai-LaoThe attribute "%s" was found twice on the <%s> elementThe color you've chosen.The color you've chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to save it for use in the future.The file already exists in "%s".  Replacing it will overwrite its contents.The folder contents could not be displayedThe folder could not be createdThe folder could not be created, as a file with the same name already exists.  Try using a different name for the folder, or rename the file first.The generated cache was invalid.
The license of the programThe previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you're selecting now. You can drag this color to a palette entry, or select this color as current by dragging it to the other color swatch alongside.The program was not able to create a connection to the indexer daemon.  Please make sure it is running.This function is not implemented for widgets of class '%s'Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)Time of printTop SecretTranslated byTransparency of the color.Turn off verbose outputTwo SidedType a file nameType name of new folderUnable to end processUnable to find an item with URI '%s'Unable to find include file: "%s"Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "%s"Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "%s",UnclassifiedUnexpected character data on line %d char %dUnexpected start tag '%s' on line %d char %dUnknownUnknown error when trying to deserialize %sUnknown itemUnspecified errorUp PathUrgentValidate existing icon cacheVietnamese (VIQR)VolumeVolume DownVolume UpWritten byX Input MethodX display to useX screen to useYesterday at %H:%MYou can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color name such as 'orange' in this entry.Z ShellZWJ Zero width _joinerZWNJ Zero width _non-joinerZWS _Zero width space_Add_Add to Bookmarks_After:_All Pages_Billing info:_Blue:_Bottom:_Browse for other folders_Clear List_End Process_Family:_Format for:_Green:_Height:_Hue:_Insert Unicode Control Character_Left:_License_Location:_Name:_Now_Only print:_Open Link_Orientation:_Output format_Palette:_Paper size:_Password:_Places_Preview:_Red:_Remove_Remove From List_Replace_Reverse_Right:_Saturation:_Save color here_Save in folder:_Style:_Top:_Value:_Width:abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar year format%Ycalendar:MYcalendar:day:digits%dcalendar:week:digits%dcalendar:week_start:0default:LTRdefault:mmdifferent idatas found for symlinked '%s' and '%s'
inchinput method menuSysteminput method menuSystem (%s)keyboard labelAltkeyboard labelBackSpacekeyboard labelBackslashkeyboard labelBeginkeyboard labelCtrlkeyboard labelDownkeyboard labelEndkeyboard labelHomekeyboard labelHyperkeyboard labelInsertkeyboard labelLeftkeyboard labelMetakeyboard labelPage_Downkeyboard labelPage_Upkeyboard labelPausekeyboard labelPrintkeyboard labelReturnkeyboard labelRightkeyboard labelScroll_Lockkeyboard labelShiftkeyboard labelSpacekeyboard labelSuperkeyboard labelSys_Reqkeyboard labelTabkeyboard labelUpmmoutput.%spaper size#10 Envelopepaper size#11 Envelopepaper size#12 Envelopepaper size#14 Envelopepaper size#9 Envelopepaper size10x11paper size10x13paper size10x14paper size10x15paper size11x12paper size11x15paper size12x19paper size5x7paper size6x9 Envelopepaper size7x9 Envelopepaper size9x11 Envelopepaper sizeA0paper sizeA0x2paper sizeA0x3paper sizeA1paper sizeA10paper sizeA1x3paper sizeA1x4paper sizeA2paper sizeA2x3paper sizeA2x4paper sizeA2x5paper sizeA3paper sizeA3 Extrapaper sizeA3x3paper sizeA3x4paper sizeA3x5paper sizeA3x6paper sizeA3x7paper sizeA4paper sizeA4 Extrapaper sizeA4 Tabpaper sizeA4x3paper sizeA4x4paper sizeA4x5paper sizeA4x6paper sizeA4x7paper sizeA4x8paper sizeA4x9paper sizeA5paper sizeA5 Extrapaper sizeA6paper sizeA7paper sizeA8paper sizeA9paper sizeArch Apaper sizeArch Bpaper sizeArch Cpaper sizeArch Dpaper sizeArch Epaper sizeB0paper sizeB1paper sizeB10paper sizeB2paper sizeB3paper sizeB4paper sizeB5paper sizeB5 Extrapaper sizeB6paper sizeB6/C4paper sizeB7paper sizeB8paper sizeB9paper sizeC0paper sizeC1paper sizeC10paper sizeC2paper sizeC3paper sizeC4paper sizeC5paper sizeC6paper sizeC6/C5paper sizeC7paper sizeC7/C6paper sizeC8paper sizeC9paper sizeChoukei 2 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 3 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 4 Envelopepaper sizeDL Envelopepaper sizeDai-pa-kaipaper sizeEuropean edppaper sizeExecutivepaper sizeFanFold Europeanpaper sizeFanFold German Legalpaper sizeFanFold USpaper sizeFoliopaper sizeFolio sppaper sizeGovernment Legalpaper sizeGovernment Letterpaper sizeIndex 3x5paper sizeIndex 4x6 (postcard)paper sizeIndex 4x6 extpaper sizeIndex 5x8paper sizeInvite Envelopepaper sizeInvoicepaper sizeItalian Envelopepaper sizeJB0paper sizeJB1paper sizeJB10paper sizeJB2paper sizeJB3paper sizeJB4paper sizeJB5paper sizeJB6paper sizeJB7paper sizeJB8paper sizeJB9paper sizeMonarch Envelopepaper sizePersonal Envelopepaper sizePostfix Envelopepaper sizeQuartopaper sizeRA0paper sizeRA1paper sizeRA2paper sizeROC 16kpaper sizeROC 8kpaper sizeSRA0paper sizeSRA1paper sizeSRA2paper sizeSmall Photopaper sizeSuper Apaper sizeSuper Bpaper sizeTabloidpaper sizeUS Legalpaper sizeUS Legal Extrapaper sizeUS Letterpaper sizeUS Letter Extrapaper sizeUS Letter Pluspaper sizeWide Formatpaper sizea2 Envelopepaper sizeasme_fpaper sizeb-pluspaper sizecpaper sizec5 Envelopepaper sizedpaper sizeepaper sizeedppaper sizefpaper sizehagaki (postcard)paper sizejis execpaper sizejuuro-ku-kaipaper sizekahu Envelopepaper sizekaku2 Envelopepaper sizeoufuku (reply postcard)paper sizepa-kaipaper sizeprc 16kpaper sizeprc 32kpaper sizeprc1 Envelopepaper sizeprc10 Envelopepaper sizeprc2 Envelopepaper sizeprc3 Envelopepaper sizeprc4 Envelopepaper sizeprc5 Envelopepaper sizeprc6 Envelopepaper sizeprc7 Envelopepaper sizeprc8 Envelopepaper sizeyou4 Envelopeprint operation statusFinishedprint operation statusFinished with errorprint operation statusPrintingprint operation statusWaitingprogress bar label%d %%recent menu label_%d. %stest-output.%svolume percentage%d %%year measurement template2000Project-Id-Version: gtk+
POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-01 15:41-0400
PO-Revision-Date: 2009-12-24 23:10+0100
Last-Translator: Iestyn Pryce <dylunio@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Cymraeg <gnome-cy@pengwyn.linux.org.uk>
Language: cy
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n==2) ? 1 : 0;
X-Generator: Virtaal 0.5.0
Methu trosi "%s" i werth o'r math "%s" ar gyfer y briodwedd "%s"Nid yw "%s" yn enw dilys ar briodoleddNid yw "%s" yn fath dilys o briodoleddNid yw "%s" yn werth dilys i'r briodoledd "%s"%1$s ar %2$s%H:%M%s gorchwyl #%d(Dim)Does gan yr elfen <%s> mo'r elfen "name" na "id" chwaithElfen <%s> eisoes wedi ei phenodiNi all elfen <text> ddigwydd cyn elfen <tags>Mae ffeil o'r enw "%s" eisoes yn bodoli. Ydych chi am ei hamnewid?_I:Ynglyn â %sAnalluogwydAnnilysCreu Tudalen GlawrYchwanegu'r blygell bresennol at y llyfrnodauYchwanegu'r blygell '%s' at y llyfrnodauYchwanegu'r blygell sydd wedi ei dewis at y LlyfrnodauYchwanegu'r plygellau sydd wedi eu dewis at y llyfrnodauUwchPob taflenAmharig (EZ+)Faint o olau glas sydd yn y lliw.Faint o olau gwyrdd sydd yn y lliw.Faint o olau coch sydd yn y lliw.Tag anhysbys wedi ei ganfod, felly'n methu creu tagiau.RhaglenGraffeg ganMae'r briodwedd "%s" yn annilys ar yr elfen <%s> yn y cyd-destun hwnMae'r briodwedd "%s" wedi ei ail-adrodd ar yr un elfen <%s>Dewis yn Awtomatig_Cyn:Canfuwyd "id" yn ogystal â "name" ar yr elfen <%s>Cragen Bourne AgainCragen BourneGloywder y lliw.DOSBARTHLLIWIAU_Coladu_DiolchiadauT_udalen BresennolFfeil storfa wedi'i chynhyrchu'n llwyddiannus.
Methwyd newid i'r blygell am nad yw'n lleolSedilaDosbartholClicwch y dewiswr lliw, yna cliciwch ar liw unrhywle ar eich sgrîn er mwyn dewis y lliw hwnnw.Cliciwch y cofnod palet yma er mwyn ei ddefnyddio fel y lliw cyfredol. Er mwyn newid y cofnod yma, llusgwch sampl lliw yma neu cliciwch arni gyda botwm dde'r llygoden a dewis "Cadw'r lliw fan hyn"_CysylltuLliwDewis LliwOlwyn Lliw_Enw lliw:Llinell OrchymynYn cwblhau...CyfrinacholCysylltu'n _ddienwCysylltu fel d_efnyddiwr:Copï_au:CopïauCopïo LAUCopïo Cyfeiriad Cysw_lltCopïo _LleoliadMethwyd ychwanegu llyfrnodMethu clirio'r rhestrMethwyd canfod yr eicon '%s'. Ddarganfyddwyd mo'r
thema '%s' chwaith; hwyrach bydd rhaid i chi ei ail-osod.
Gellwch gael copi o:
	%sMethwyd cyrchu gwybodaeth ar gyfer y ffeil '%s': %sMethu â gosod %sMethu darllen cynnwys %sMethu darllen cynnwys y plygellMethwyd dileu'r llyfrnodMethu tynnu'r eitemMethu ail-enwi %s yn ôl i %s: %s
Methu ail-enwi %s yn %s: %s
Methu ail-enwi %s yn %s: %s, felly'n tynnu %s.
Methwyd cyrchu gwybodaeth ynghylch y ffeilMethu dewis ffeilMethu anfon y cais chwilioMethwyd dangos cyswlltMethu cychwyn y broses chwilioCreu _PlygellCreu mewn _plygell:DiolchiadauMaint Addasedig %dMaint addasedigCyrilig (Trawslythrenedig)DANGOSYDDPenbwrddDefnyddio API Wintab [dewis rhagosodedig]Dogfennwyd ganPeidio â thrin ceisiadau GDI fel pentwrPeidio â gwirio am fodolaeth index.themePeidio â chynnwys data delwedd yn y storfaPeidio â defnyddio API Wintab er mwyn cynnal tablediI Lawr y LlwybrNi chaniateir yr elfen <%s> islaw <%s>GwagGwall wrth greu'r plygell '%s': %sGwall wrth creu rhagolwg argraffuGwall o fewn StartDocGwall wrth lansio rhagolwgGwall wrth lwytho eicon: %sGwall wrth ramadegu opsiwn --gdk-debugGwall wrth ramadegu opsiwn --gdk-no-debugTaflenni eilrifOPSIYNAUMethu llwytho eiconMethu llwytho delwedd '%s': rheswm anhysbys, ffeil llygredig mwy na thebygMethu agor y ffeil %s: %s
Methu agor y ffeil '%s': %sMethu ail-ysgrifennu pennyn
Methu ysgrifennu'r ffeil storfa: %s
Methu ysgrifennu mynegai ffolder
Methu ysgrifennu tabl stwnsh
Methu ysgrifennu pennyn
FfeilSystem FfeiliauGwraidd System FfeiliauMethu canfod ffeil: %s
FfeiliauWrthi'n gorffenFfontDewis FfontAnghofio cyfrinair yn _sythOpsiynau GTK+Opsiynau datnamu GTK+ i'w gosodOpsiynau datnamu GTK+ i'w dadosodCyffredinolMethwyd ymofyn gwybodaeth am yr argraffyddYmofyn gwybodaeth am yr argraffydd...UchelY Wyddor Ffonetig Ryngwladol (IPA)Nid yw'r eicon '%s' yn bresennol yn y themaAnsawdd DelweddModdau _MewnbwnInuktitut (Trawslythrenedig)URI annilysArg annilys i PrintDlgExEnw ffeil annilysDolen annilys i PrintDlgExLlwybr annilysPwyntydd annilys i PrintDlgExTasgManylion y DasgLRE _Ymgorffori chwith-i'r-ddeLRM Mark _chwith-i'r-ddeLRO _Gwrthweithred chwith-i'r-ddeTirlunCynllunTrwyddedLlwytho modylau GTK+ ychwanegolLleoliadIselMODYLAUGwneud galwadau X yn gydamserolGwneud pob gwall yn farwolTrefnu Meintiau AddasedigTrefnu Meintiau Addasedig...Cael Ymylon o'r Argraffydd...Ymylon:
 Chwith: %s %s
 De: %s %s
 Top: %s %s
 Gwaelod: %s %sCanoligWedi newidWedi'i FudoENWEnwAngen i'r defnyddiwr ymyrrydCyflymydd newydd...Dim ffwythiant dad-gyfresu wedi ei ganfod ar gyfer y ffurf %sDim eitem wedi'i ganfod ar gyfer yr URI '%s'Dim eitemau wedi'u canfodDim cydweddiadHeb ganfod argraffyddHeb ddefnyddio adnodd yn ddiweddar â'r URI `%s'Dim ffeil fynegai themâu yn '%s'.
Os ydych chi wir am greu storfa eiconau fan yna, defnyddiwch --ignore-theme-index.
DimDdim yn storfa eiconau ddilys: %s
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