403 Forbidden

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Path : /usr/share/locale/fur/LC_MESSAGES/
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Current File : //usr/share/locale/fur/LC_MESSAGES/json-glib-1.0.mo

��-�=����<\nI�&�>�8=%Pv�(� � �"+2^q$�9�4�1%)W6��0�M�AG0�5�6�7'	Q_	R�	I
-*(#)$!+ ,"%&	%s: %s: error closing: %s
%s: %s: error opening file: %s
%s: %s: error parsing file: %s
%s: %s: error writing to stdout%s: missing files%s:%d:%d: Parse error: %sA GVariant dictionary entry expects a JSON object with exactly one memberError parsing commandline options: %s
Expecting a JSON object, but the root node is of type “%s”FILEFormat JSON files.GVariant class “%c” not supportedIndentation spacesInvalid GVariant signatureInvalid array index definition “%*s”Invalid first character “%c”Invalid set definition “%*s”Invalid slice definition “%*s”Invalid string value converting to GVariantJSON data is emptyJSON data must be UTF-8 encodedMalformed slice expression “%*s”Missing closing symbol “)” in the GVariant tuple typeMissing elements in JSON array to conform to a tupleMissing member name or wildcard after . characterNo node available at the current positionOnly one root node is allowed in a JSONPath expressionPrettify outputRoot node followed by invalid character “%c”The current node is of type “%s”, but an array or an object was expected.The current node is of type “%s”, but an object was expected.The current position does not hold a string typeThe current position holds a “%s” and not a valueThe current position holds a “%s” and not an arrayThe current position holds a “%s” and not an objectThe index “%d” is greater than the size of the array at the current position.The index “%d” is greater than the size of the object at the current position.The member “%s” is not defined in the object at the current position.Try “%s --help” for more information.Unexpected extra elements in JSON arrayUnexpected type “%s” in JSON nodeValidate JSON files.json-glib-format formats JSON resources.json-glib-validate validates JSON data at the given URI.Project-Id-Version: json-glib master
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=json-glib&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general
POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-18 16:05+0000
PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-21 23:19+0200
Last-Translator: Fabio Tomat <f.t.public@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Friulian <fur@li.org>
Language: fur
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.12
%s: %s: erôr tal sierâ: %s
%s: %s: erôr tal vierzi il file: %s
%s: %s: erôr tal analizâ il file: %s
%s: %s: erôr tal scrivi sul stdout%s: a mancjin dai file%s:%d:%d: erôr di analisi: %sUne vôs di dizionari GVariant a domandave un ogjet JSON cun precîs un membriErôr tal analizâ lis opzions a rie di comant: %s
Si spiete un ogjet JSON, ma il grop lidrîs al è dal gjenar “%s”FILEFormate file JSON.Classe GVariant “%c” no supuartadeSpazis di rientriFirme GVariant no valideDefinizion di indiç di array “%*s”  no validePrin caratar “%c” no valitDefinizion di set “%*s” no valideDefinizion di slice “%*s” no valideValôrs di stringhe no valits te conversion a JSONI dâts JSON a son vueitsI dâts JSON a scugnin jessi codificâts in UTF-8Espression slice “%*s” malformadeAl mancje il simbul di sieradure “)”  tal gjenar tuple GVariantA mancjin ogjets tal array JSON par conformitât a une tupleAl mancje il non dal membri o un caratar speciâl dopo il caratar "."Nissun grop disponibil ae posizion atuâl.Si amet dome un grop lidrîs intune espression JSONBilisie l'outputGrop lidrîs seguît dal caratar no valit “%c”Il gjenar di grop atuâl al è “%s”, ma si spietave un array o un ogjet.Il grop atuâl al è di gjenar “%s”, ma si spietave un ogjet.La posizion atuâl no ten un tipo stringheLa posizion atuâl e ten un “%s” e no un valôrLa posizion atuâl e ten un “%s” e no un arrayLa posizion atuâl e ten un “%s” e no un ogjetL'indiç “%d” al è plui grant de dimension dal array ae posizion atuâl.L'indiç “%d” al è plui grant de dimension dal ogjet ae posizion atuâl.Il membri “%s” nol è definît intal ogjet ae posizion atuâl.Prove “%s --help” par vê plui informazions.Elements di plui no spietâts tal array JSONGjenar “%s” no spietât tal grop JSONConvalide file JSON.json-glib-format al formate lis risorsis JSON.json-glib-validate al convalide dâts JSON cjatâts al URI furnît.

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