403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /usr/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/ga/LC_MESSAGES/gtk30.mo

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�uG�O4|����{0�+H�"U�>�M�|�2'1DmQ��`���e=Vt��9/_Uz��^�N=P�"%s" is not a valid attribute name"%s" is not a valid attribute type%-e %b%-e %b %Y%1$s on %2$s%H:%M%l:%M %p%p (%s)%s already exists in the bookmarks list%s does not exist in the bookmarks list%s job #%d%s: error launching application: %s
%s: missing application name%s: no such application %s(None); <%s> element has invalid ID "%s"<%s> element has neither a "name" nor an "id" attributeA file named “%s” already exists.  Do you want to replace it?APPLICATION [URI…] — launch an APPLICATION with URI.About %sAcceleratorDisabledAcceleratorInvalidAction descriptionActivates the cellAction descriptionActivates the colorAction descriptionClicks the buttonAction descriptionCustomizes the colorAction descriptionExpands or contracts the row in the tree view containing this cellAction descriptionSelects the colorAction descriptionToggles the cellAction nameActivateAction nameClickAction nameCustomizeAction nameEditAction nameExpand or contractAction nameSelectAction nameToggleAdd a new bookmarkAdjusts the volumeAfterAmount of blue light in the color.Amount of green light in the color.Amount of red light in the color.Any PrinterApplicationApplication menuArtwork byAuthenticationAuthentication is required on %sAuthentication is required to get a file from %sAuthentication is required to get attributes of a jobAuthentication is required to get attributes of a printerAuthentication is required to get attributes of job “%s”Authentication is required to get attributes of printer %sAuthentication is required to get default printer of %sAuthentication is required to get printers from %sAuthentication is required to print a document on %sAuthentication is required to print document “%s”Authentication is required to print document “%s” on printer %sAuthentication is required to print this documentAuthentication is required to print this document on printer %sAuto SelectBeforeBilling InfoBoth "id" and "name" were found on the <%s> elementBottom to topBottom to top, left to rightBottom to top, right to leftBourne Again ShellBourne ShellBrightness of the color.Broadway display type not supported: %sCLASSCOLORSC_reditsC_ustomizeCache file created successfully.
Can't load file: %s
Can't save file %s: %s
Cance_lCannot change to folder because it is not localCannot end process with PID %d: %sCannot kill process with PID %d. Operation is not implemented.Cannot open display: %sCaps Lock is onClassifiedClick the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.CloseCo_nnectColor PlaneColor SelectionColor WheelColor _name:Color channelAlphaColor channelHueColor management unavailableColor nameBlackColor nameOrangeColor nameWhiteColor: %sColumn:Command LineComputerCon_nectConfidentialConnect AsConnect to ServerConnect to a network server addressConvert to PS level 1Convert to PS level 2CopyCopy URLCopy _Link AddressCopy _LocationCould not clear listCould not read the contents of %sCould not read the contents of the folderCould not remove itemCould not rename %s back to %s: %s.
Could not rename %s to %s: %s
Could not rename %s to %s: %s, removing %s then.
Could not select fileCould not send the search requestCould not show linkCould not start the search processCreate a custom colorCreated byCu_tCustomCustom %s×%sCustom LicenseCustom Size %dCustom colorCustom color %d: %sCustom sizeCutDISPLAYDefaultDefault ApplicationDesktopDialog is locked.
Click to make changesDialog is unlocked.
Click to prevent further changesDisconnectDo use the Wintab API [default]Documented byDomain:Don't batch GDI requestsDon't use the Wintab API for tablet supportElement <%s> is not allowed below <%s>Element <%s> not allowed inside <%s>Embed GhostScript fonts onlyEmptyEnter LocationEnter locationEnter location or URLErrorError creating print previewError from StartDocError launching previewError parsing commandline options: %s
Error parsing option --gdk-debugError parsing option --gdk-no-debugFLAGSFailed to load iconFailed to open file %s : %s
Failed to rewrite header
Failed to write cache file: %s
Failed to write folder index
Failed to write hash table
Failed to write header
FileFile SystemFile System RootFile not found: %s
Font SelectionFor portable documentsForget associationForget password _immediatelyFull VolumeGDK debugging flags to setGDK debugging flags to unsetGTK+ OptionsGTK+ debugging flags to setGTK+ debugging flags to unsetGetting printer information failedGetting printer information…GhostScript pre-filteringHighHomeInformationIntensity of the color.Invalid URIInvalid argument to CreateDCInvalid argument to PrintDlgExInvalid file nameInvalid handle to PrintDlgExInvalid pointer to PrintDlgExJob PriorityLRE Left-to-right _embeddingLRM _Left-to-right markLRO Left-to-right _overrideLaunch specified application by its desktop file info
optionally passing list of URIs as arguments.Left to rightLeft to right, bottom to topLeft to right, top to bottomLicenseLoad additional GTK+ modulesLocationLockLong Edge (Standard)LowMODULESMake all warnings fatalManage Custom SizesManage Custom Sizes…Manually enter a locationMargins from Printer…Margins:
 Left: %s %s
 Right: %s %s
 Top: %s %s
 Bottom: %s %sMaximizeMediumMenuMinimizeMiscellaneousModeModifiedMount and open “%s”MutedNAMENameNeed user interventionNetworksNew accelerator…New bookmarkNo item for URI '%s' foundNo items foundNo pre-filteringNo printer foundNo profile availableNo theme index file in '%s'.
If you really want to create an icon cache here, use --ignore-theme-index.
No theme index file.
NoneNot a valid icon cache: %s
Not a valid page setup fileNot availableNot enough free memoryNumber format%dOfflineOn This ComputerOne SidedOnlineOp_acity:Open '%s'Open in New _TabOpen in New _WindowOpen the contents of the file systemOpen the contents of your desktop in a folderOpen the trashOpen your personal folderOpening %d ItemOpening %d ItemsOpening %sOpening “%s”.Other ApplicationsOther LocationsOther application…Other…Out of paperOutput TrayOutput a C header fileOverwrite an existing cache, even if up to datePDFPage %uPage OrderingPage SetupPages Per SheetPages per SheetPages per _sheet:Paper MarginsPaper SizePaper SourcePaper TypePassword:PastePausedPaused; Rejecting JobsPick a ColorPick a FontPosition on the color wheel.PostscriptPre_viewPreparingPreparing %dPrintPrint atPrint at timePrint to FilePrint to LPRPrint to Test PrinterPrinter DefaultPrinter ProfilePrinter offlinePrinter “%s” has no toner left.Printer “%s” is currently offline.Printer “%s” is low on developer.Printer “%s” is low on paper.Printer “%s” is low on toner.Printer “%s” is out of developer.Printer “%s” is out of paper.Printing %dProgram class as used by the window managerProgram name as used by the window managerPropertiesQuestionRLE Right-to-left e_mbeddingRLM _Right-to-left markRLO Right-to-left o_verrideRecentRecent filesRecommended ApplicationsRed %d%%, Green %d%%, Blue %d%%Red %d%%, Green %d%%, Blue %d%%, Alpha %d%%Registered U_serRejecting JobsRelated ApplicationsRemember _foreverRemember password until you _logoutRename…ResolutionRight to leftRight to left, bottom to topRight to left, top to bottomSVGS_aturation:Same as --no-wintabSans 12SearchSecretSelect ApplicationSelect _AllSelect a FileSelect a filenameSelect allSelect the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or lightness of that color using the inner triangle.Short Edge (Flip)Show GTK+ OptionsShow _Hidden FilesShow _Private ResourcesShow _Size ColumnShow _TimeShow other locationsSi_ze:Size of the palette in 8 bit modeSource:StandardStarting %sStock labelBest _FitStock labelC_onnectStock labelCu_tStock labelDecrease IndentStock labelErrorStock labelFind and _ReplaceStock labelIncrease IndentStock labelInformationStock labelLandscapeStock labelPage Set_upStock labelPortraitStock labelPrint Pre_viewStock labelQuestionStock labelReverse landscapeStock labelReverse portraitStock labelSave _AsStock labelSelect _AllStock labelWarningStock labelZoom _InStock labelZoom _OutStock label_AboutStock label_AddStock label_ApplyStock label_AscendingStock label_BoldStock label_CD-ROMStock label_CancelStock label_CenterStock label_ClearStock label_CloseStock label_ColorStock label_ConvertStock label_CopyStock label_DeleteStock label_DescendingStock label_DiscardStock label_DisconnectStock label_EditStock label_ExecuteStock label_FileStock label_FillStock label_FindStock label_FloppyStock label_FontStock label_FullscreenStock label_Hard DiskStock label_HelpStock label_HomeStock label_IndexStock label_InformationStock label_ItalicStock label_Jump toStock label_Leave FullscreenStock label_LeftStock label_NetworkStock label_NewStock label_NoStock label_Normal SizeStock label_OKStock label_OpenStock label_PasteStock label_PreferencesStock label_PrintStock label_PropertiesStock label_QuitStock label_RedoStock label_RefreshStock label_RemoveStock label_RevertStock label_RightStock label_SaveStock label_Spell CheckStock label_StopStock label_StrikethroughStock label_UndeleteStock label_UnderlineStock label_UndoStock label_YesStock label, mediaP_auseStock label, mediaPre_viousStock label, mediaR_ewindStock label, media_ForwardStock label, media_NextStock label, media_PlayStock label, media_RecordStock label, media_StopStock label, navigation_BackStock label, navigation_BottomStock label, navigation_DownStock label, navigation_FirstStock label, navigation_ForwardStock label, navigation_LastStock label, navigation_TopStock label, navigation_UpSystem policy prevents changes.
Contact your system administratorTag "%s" already definedTag "%s" has not been defined.Terminal PagerThe attribute "%s" was found twice on the <%s> elementThe cover is open on printer “%s”.The door is open on printer “%s”.The file already exists in “%s”.  Replacing it will overwrite its contents.The file could not be renamedThe folder contents could not be displayedThe folder could not be createdThe folder could not be created, as a file with the same name already exists.  Try using a different name for the folder, or rename the file first.The generated cache was invalid.
The most probable reason is that a temporary file could not be created.ThemeThere is a problem on printer “%s”.Top CommandTop SecretTop to bottomTop to bottom, left to rightTop to bottom, right to leftTranslated byTransparency of the color.TrashTry "%s --help" for more information.Turn off verbose outputTwo SidedType name of new folderUnable to access “%s”Unable to eject %sUnable to eject “%s”Unable to end processUnable to find an item with URI '%s'Unable to start “%s”Unable to stop “%s”Unable to unmount “%s”UnavailableUnclassifiedUnknownUnknown Application (PID %d)Unknown itemUnlockUnmountUnspecified errorUnspecified profileUntitled filterUrgentUsername:WarningWebsiteX display to useXSettingsYesYesterdayZ Shell_Add Bookmark_Add to Bookmarks_Anonymous_Apply_Blue:_Bottom:_Cancel_Clear List_Close_Connect_Connect Drive_Copy_Copy Location_Delete_Detect Media_Disconnect_Disconnect Drive_Domain_Eject_End Process_Family:_Green:_Height:_Help_Hue:_Left:_License_Lock Device_Mount_Move to Trash_Name_Name:_No_OK_Open_Open Link_Open With File Manager_Output format_Palette:_Password_Paste_Power On_Preview:_Print_Red:_Remember password_Remove_Remove From List_Rename_Replace_Right:_Safely Remove Drive_Save color here_Select_Start_Start Multi-disk Device_Stop_Stop Multi-disk Device_Style:_Top:_Unlock Device_Unmount_Username_Value:_Visit File_Width:_Yesabcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar year format%Ycalendar:MYcalendar:day:digits%dcalendar:week:digits%dcalendar:week_start:0default:LTRdefault:mminchinput menthod menuCyrillic (Transliterated)input method menuAmharic (EZ+)input method menuBroadwayinput method menuCedillainput method menuIPAinput method menuInuktitut (Transliterated)input method menuMac OS X Quartzinput method menuMultipressinput method menuNoneinput method menuSimpleinput method menuSysteminput method menuSystem (%s)input method menuThai-Laoinput method menuTigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)input method menuTigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)input method menuVietnamese (VIQR)input method menuWindows IMEinput method menuX Input Methodkeyboard labelAltkeyboard labelAudioLowerVolumekeyboard labelAudioMediakeyboard labelAudioMicMutekeyboard labelAudioMutekeyboard labelAudioNextkeyboard labelAudioPausekeyboard labelAudioPlaykeyboard labelAudioPrevkeyboard labelAudioRaiseVolumekeyboard labelAudioRecordkeyboard labelAudioRewindkeyboard labelAudioStopkeyboard labelBackkeyboard labelBackSpacekeyboard labelBackslashkeyboard labelBatterykeyboard labelBeginkeyboard labelCtrlkeyboard labelDeletekeyboard labelDisplaykeyboard labelDownkeyboard labelEndkeyboard labelEscapekeyboard labelForwardkeyboard labelHibernatekeyboard labelHomekeyboard labelHyperkeyboard labelInsertkeyboard labelKP_Beginkeyboard labelKP_Deletekeyboard labelKP_Downkeyboard labelKP_Endkeyboard labelKP_Enterkeyboard labelKP_Homekeyboard labelKP_Insertkeyboard labelKP_Leftkeyboard labelKP_Nextkeyboard labelKP_Page_Downkeyboard labelKP_Page_Upkeyboard labelKP_Priorkeyboard labelKP_Rightkeyboard labelKP_Spacekeyboard labelKP_Tabkeyboard labelKP_Upkeyboard labelKbdBrightnessDownkeyboard labelKbdBrightnessUpkeyboard labelLaunch1keyboard labelLeftkeyboard labelMetakeyboard labelMonBrightnessDownkeyboard labelMonBrightnessUpkeyboard labelMulti_keykeyboard labelNum_Lockkeyboard labelPage_Downkeyboard labelPage_Upkeyboard labelPausekeyboard labelPrintkeyboard labelReturnkeyboard labelRightkeyboard labelScreenSaverkeyboard labelScroll_Lockkeyboard labelShiftkeyboard labelSleepkeyboard labelSpacekeyboard labelSuperkeyboard labelSuspendkeyboard labelSys_Reqkeyboard labelTabkeyboard labelTouchpadTogglekeyboard labelUpkeyboard labelWLANkeyboard labelWakeUpkeyboard labelWebCammmoutputpaper size#10 Envelopepaper size#11 Envelopepaper size#12 Envelopepaper size#14 Envelopepaper size#9 Envelopepaper size10×11paper size10×13paper size10×14paper size10×15paper size11×12paper size11×15paper size12×19paper size5×7paper size6×9 Envelopepaper size7×9 Envelopepaper size8×10 Envelopepaper size9×11 Envelopepaper size9×12 Envelopepaper sizeA0paper sizeA0×2paper sizeA0×3paper sizeA1paper sizeA10paper sizeA1×3paper sizeA1×4paper sizeA2paper sizeA2×3paper sizeA2×4paper sizeA2×5paper sizeA3paper sizeA3 Extrapaper sizeA3×3paper sizeA3×4paper sizeA3×5paper sizeA3×6paper sizeA3×7paper sizeA4paper sizeA4 Extrapaper sizeA4 Tabpaper sizeA4×3paper sizeA4×4paper sizeA4×5paper sizeA4×6paper sizeA4×7paper sizeA4×8paper sizeA4×9paper sizeA5paper sizeA5 Extrapaper sizeA6paper sizeA7paper sizeA8paper sizeA9paper sizeArch Apaper sizeArch Bpaper sizeArch Cpaper sizeArch Dpaper sizeArch Epaper sizeB0paper sizeB1paper sizeB10paper sizeB2paper sizeB3paper sizeB4paper sizeB5paper sizeB5 Extrapaper sizeB6paper sizeB6/C4paper sizeB7paper sizeB8paper sizeB9paper sizeC0paper sizeC1paper sizeC10paper sizeC2paper sizeC3paper sizeC4paper sizeC5paper sizeC6paper sizeC6/C5paper sizeC7paper sizeC7/C6paper sizeC8paper sizeC9paper sizeChoukei 2 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 3 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 4 Envelopepaper sizeChoukei 40 Envelopepaper sizeDL Envelopepaper sizeDai-pa-kaipaper sizeEuropean edppaper sizeExecutivepaper sizeFan-Fold Europeanpaper sizeFan-Fold German Legalpaper sizeFan-Fold USpaper sizeFoliopaper sizeFolio sppaper sizeGovernment Legalpaper sizeGovernment Letterpaper sizeIndex 3×5paper sizeIndex 4×6 (postcard)paper sizeIndex 4×6 extpaper sizeIndex 5×8paper sizeInvite Envelopepaper sizeInvoicepaper sizeItalian Envelopepaper sizeJB0paper sizeJB1paper sizeJB10paper sizeJB2paper sizeJB3paper sizeJB4paper sizeJB5paper sizeJB6paper sizeJB7paper sizeJB8paper sizeJB9paper sizeLarge Photopaper sizeMedium Photopaper sizeMonarch Envelopepaper sizeOficiopaper sizePersonal Envelopepaper sizePhoto Lpaper sizePostfix Envelopepaper sizeQuartopaper sizeRA0paper sizeRA1paper sizeRA2paper sizeRA3paper sizeRA4paper sizeROC 16kpaper sizeROC 8kpaper sizeSRA0paper sizeSRA1paper sizeSRA2paper sizeSRA3paper sizeSRA4paper sizeSmall Photopaper sizeSuper Apaper sizeSuper Bpaper sizeTabloidpaper sizeUS Legalpaper sizeUS Legal Extrapaper sizeUS Letterpaper sizeUS Letter Extrapaper sizeUS Letter Pluspaper sizeWide Formatpaper sizeWide Photopaper sizea2 Envelopepaper sizeasme_fpaper sizeb-pluspaper sizecpaper sizec5 Envelopepaper sizedpaper sizeepaper sizeedppaper sizefpaper sizehagaki (postcard)paper sizejis execpaper sizejuuro-ku-kaipaper sizekahu Envelopepaper sizekaku2 Envelopepaper sizekaku3 Envelopepaper sizekaku4 Envelopepaper sizekaku5 Envelopepaper sizekaku7 Envelopepaper sizekaku8 Envelopepaper sizeoufuku (reply postcard)paper sizepa-kaipaper sizeprc 16kpaper sizeprc 32kpaper sizeprc1 Envelopepaper sizeprc10 Envelopepaper sizeprc2 Envelopepaper sizeprc3 Envelopepaper sizeprc4 Envelopepaper sizeprc5 Envelopepaper sizeprc6 Envelopepaper sizeprc7 Envelopepaper sizeprc8 Envelopepaper sizeprc9 Envelopepaper sizeyou4 Envelopepaper sizeyou6 Envelopepausedprint operation statusBlocking on issueprint operation statusFinishedprint operation statusFinished with errorprint operation statusGenerating dataprint operation statusInitial stateprint operation statusPreparing to printprint operation statusPrintingprint operation statusSending dataprint operation statusWaitingprinter offlineprocessing jobprogress bar label%.0f %%progress bar label%d %%ready to printrecent menu label%d. %srecent menu label_%d. %ssidesLong Edge (Standard)sidesOne SidedsidesShort Edge (Flip)switchOFFswitchONtest-output.%stype nameUnknownunknownvolume percentage%d %%year measurement template2000Project-Id-Version: gtk+.master
POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-30 20:07-0600
PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-30 20:30-0600
Last-Translator: Seán de Búrca <leftmostcat@gmail.com>
Language-Team: Irish <gaeilge-gnulinux@lists.sourceforge.net>
Language: ga
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : 4;
Ní ainm tréithe bailí é "%s"Ní cineál tréithe bailí é "%s"%-e %b%-e %b %Y%1$s ar %2$s%H:%M%l:%M %p%p (%s)Tá %s ann sa liosta leabharmharcanna cheanaNíl %s ann sa liosta leabharmharcanna%s jab #%d%s: earráid agus feidhmchlár á luchtú: %s
%s: ainm feidhmhcláir ar iarraidh%s níl a leithéid d'fheidmhclár ann: %s(Neamhní); Tá CA neamhbhailí "%2$s" ag eilimint <%1$s>Níl tréith "name" ná "id" ag an eilimint <%s>Tá comhad darbh ainm “%s” ann cheana.  Ar mhaith leat é a athchur?FEIDHMCHLÁR [URI…] — luchtaigh FEIDHMCHLÁR le URI.Maidir le %sDíchumasaitheNeamhbhailíGníomhachtaíonn sé seo an chillGníomhachtaíonn sé seo an dathCliceálann sé seo an cnaipeSaincheapann sé seo an dathLeathnaíonn nó crapann sé seo an ró san amharc crainn ina bhfuil an chill seoRoghnaíonn sé seo an dathScoránaíonn sé seo an chillGníomhachtaighCliceáilSaincheapCuir in eagarLeathnaigh nó crapRoghnaighScoránaighCuir leabharmharc nua leisCoigeartaíonn sé seo an airdeTar ÉisMéid sholais ghorm sa dath.Méid sholais uaine sa dath.Méid sholais dhearg sa dath.Printéir ar BithFeidhmchlárRoghchlár feidhmchlárMaisiúchán leFíordheimhniúFíordheimhniú de dhíth ar %sFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun comhad a fháil ó %sFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun tréithe jab a fháilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun tréithe printéara a fháilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun tréithe jab “%s” a fháilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun tréithe printéara %s a fháilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun an printéir réamhshocraithe %s a fháilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun printéirí a fháil ó %sFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun cáipéis a phriontáil ar %sFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun cáipéis “%s” a phriontáilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun cáipéis “%s” a phriontáil ar phrintéir %sFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun an cháipéis seo a phriontáilFíordheimhniú de dhíth chun an cháipéis seo a phriontáil ar phrintéir %sRoghnaigh go hUathoibríochRoimhEolas billeálaAimsíodh "id" agus "name" araon ar an eilimint <%s>Bun go barrBun go barr, clé go deasBarr go bun, deas go cléBlaosc Bourne AgainBlaosc BourneGile an datha.Ní thacaítear leis an gcineál taispeána Broadway: %sAICMEDATHANNA_Admhálacha_SaincheapD'éirigh le cruthú an chomhaid taisce.
Ní féidir comhad a luchtú: %s
Ní féidir comhad %s a shábháil: %s

Cea_laighNí féidir athrú go dtí an fillteán mar níl sé logántaNí féidir deireadh a chur leis an bpróiseas le PID %d: %sNí féidir an próiseas le PID %d a mharú. Níl an oibríocht curtha i ngníomh.Ní féidir taispeáint a oscailt: %sTá Caps Lock annRúnaicmitheCliceáil an titimeán súile, agus ansin cliceáil dath áit ar bith ar do scáileán chun an dath sin a roghnú.Dún_NascPlána DathaRoghnú DathaRoth na nDathannaAi_nm datha:AlfaLíNíl bainsteoireacht dathanna ar fáilDubhOráisteBánDath: %sColún:Líne na n-OrduitheRíomhaireCea_ngalFaoi RúnNasc MarNasc le FreastalaíCeangail le seoladh fhreastalaí líonraTiontaigh go PS leibhéal 1Tiontaigh go PS leibhéal 2CóipeáilCóipeáil URLCóipeáil Seoladh an _NaiscCóipeái_l SuíomhNíorbh fhéidir liosta a ghlanadhNíorbh fhéidir ábhar %s a léamhNíorbh fhéidir ábhar an fhíllteáin a léamhNíorbh fhéidir mír a bhaintNíorbh fhéidir %s a athainmniú ar ais go %s: %s
Níorbh fhéidir %s a athainmniú go %s: %s
Níorbh fhéidir %s a athainmniú go %s: %s, mar sin %s á bhaint.
Níorbh fhéidir comhad a roghnúNíorbh fhéidir an t-iarratas cuardaigh a sheoladhNíorbh fhéidir nasc a thaispeáintNíorbh fhéidir an próiseas cuardaigh a thosúCruthaigh dath saincheapthaCruthaithe ag_GearrSaincheaptha%s×%s SaincheapthaCeadúnas SaincheapthaMéid Saincheaptha %dDath saincheapthaDath saincheaptha %d: %sMéid saincheapthaGearrTAISPEÁINTRéamhshocraitheFeidhmchlár RéamhshocraitheDeascTá an dialóg faoi ghlas.
Cliceáil chun athruithe a dhéanamhTá an dialóg díghlasáilte.
Cliceáil chun cosc a chur ar athruithe le teachtDícheangalÚsáid an API Wintab [réamhshocrú]Doiciméadaithe agFearann:Ná baisc iarratais GDINá húsáid an API Wintab le tacaíocht táibléidNí cheadaítear an eilimint <%s> faoi <%s>Ní cheadaítear an eilimint <%s> istigh i <%s>Leabaigh clónna GhostScript amháinFolamhIontráil SuíomhIontráil suíomhIontráil suíomh nó URLEarráidEarráid agus réamhamharc priontála á chruthúEarráid ó StartDocEarráid agus réamhamharc á thosúEarráid agus roghanna líne na n-orduithe á bparsáil: %s
Earráid agus rogha --gdk-debug á parsáilEarráid agus rogha --gdk-no-debug á parsáilBRATACHATheip ar luchtú deilbhínTheip ar oscailt comhaid %s : %s
Theip ar athscríobh ceanntáisc
Theip ar scríobh chomhad taisce: %s
Theip ar scríobh innéacs fillteáin
Theip ar scríobh hais-tábla
Theip ar scríobh ceanntáisc
ComhadCóras ComhaidFréamh Chóras ComhaidComhad gan aimsiú: %s
Roghnú ClóLe haghaidh cáipéisí iniomparthaDéan dearmad ar an gcomhcheangalDéan _dearmad ar an bhfocal faire láithreachAirde IomlánBratacha dífhabhtaithe GDK le socrúBratacha dífhabhtaithe GDK le díshocrúRoghanna GTK+Bratacha dífhabhtaithe GTK+ le socrúBratacha dífhabhtaithe GTK+ le díshocrúTheip ar fháil eolais printéaraEolas printéara á fháil…Réamhscagadh GhostScriptArdBaileEolasDéine an datha.URI NeamhbhailíArgóint neamhbhailí go CreateDCArgóint neamhbhailí go PrintDlgExAinm comhaid neamhbhailíLorgán neamhbhailí chuig PrintDlgExPointeoir neamhbhailí go PrintDlgExTosaíocht an JabLRE _Leabú Clé-go-deasLRM Marc _Clé-go-deasLRO _Sárú Clé-go-deasLuchtaigh an feidhmchlár sonraithe le heolas óna comhad .desktop,
agus liosta URIanna á seoladh mar argóintí go roghnach.Clé go deasClé go deas, bun go barrClé go deas, barr go bunCeadúnasLuchtaigh modúil GTK+ breiseSuíomhCuir Faoi GhlasCiumhais Fhada (Caighdeánach)ÍsealMODÚILDéan marfach gach rabhadhBainistigh Méideanna SaincheapthaBainistigh Méideanna Saincheaptha…Iontráil suíomh de láimhImill ón bPrintéir…Imill:
 Clé: %s %s
 Deis: %s %s
 Barr: %s %s
 Bun: %s %sUasmhéadaighMeasarthaRoghchlárÍoslaghdaighSocruithe ÉagsúlaMódAthraitheFeistigh agus oscail “%s”Gan fuaimAINMAinmTeastaíonn idirghabháil an úsáideoraLíonraíAicearra nua…Leabharmharc nuaNíor aimsíodh mír le URI '%s'Níor aimsíodh mír ar bithGan réamhscagadhNíor aimsíodh aon phrintéirNíl aon phróifíl ar fáilGan chomhad innéacs téama i '%s'.
Má tá fonn ort taisce dheilbhíní a chruthú anseo i ndáiríre, úsáid --ignore-theme-index.
Gan chomhad innéacs téama.
NeamhníNí taisce dheilbhíní bhailí é: %s
Ní comhad socrú leathanaigh bailí éNíl ar fáilCuimhne ídithe%dAs LíneAr an Ríomhaire SeoAonthaobhachAr LíneTeimhne_acht:Oscail '%s'Oscail i g_Cluaisín NuaOscail i bh_Fuinneog NuaOscail ábhar an chóras comhaidOscail ábhar do dheisce i bhfillteánOscail an bosca bruscairOscail d'fhillteán pearsanta%d Mhír á hOscailt%d Mhír á nOscailt%d Mhír á Oscailt%d Mír á Oscailt%d Mír á Oscailt%s á Oscailt“%s” á oscailt.Feidhmchláir EileSuíomhanna EileFeidhmchlár eile…Eile…Páipéar íditheTráidire AschurthaCuir comhad ceanntáisc C amachForscríobh taisce atá ann, cé go bhfuil sí cothrom le dátaPDFLeathanach %uCur in Ord LeathanaighSocrú LeathanaighLeathanaigh sa LeathánLeathanaigh sa Leathán_Leathanaigh sa leathán:Imill an PáipéarMéid PháipéirFoinse an PháipéirCineál an PháipéirFocal Faire:GreamaighCurtha ar sosAr Sos; Jabanna á nDiúltúRoghnaigh DathRoghnaigh ClóIonad ar roth na ndathanna.Postscript_RéamhamharcÁ ullmhú%d á ullmhúPriontáilPriontáil agPriontáil ag amPriontáil go ComhadPriontáil go LPRPriontáil go Printéir TástálaRéamhshocrú PrintéaraPróifíl PhrintéaraPrintéir as líneNíl aon tonóir fágtha i bprintéir “%s”.Tá printéir “%s” as líne faoi láthair.Réalóir gann i bprintéir “%s”.Páipéar gann i bprintéir “%s”.Tonóir gann i bprintéir “%s”.Níl aon réalóir fágtha i bprintéir “%s”.Níl aon pháipéar fágtha i bprintéir “%s”.%d á phriontáilAicme chláir mar úsáidte leis an mbainisteoir fuinneogaAinm cláir mar úsáidte leis an mbainisteoir fuinneogaAiríonnaCeistRLE L_eabú Deas-go-cléRLM Marc _Deas-go-cléRLO Sá_rú Deas-go-cléÚsáidte le DéanaíComhaid úsáidte le déanaíFeidhmchláir MholtaDearg %d%%, Uaine %d%%, Gorm %d%%Dearg %d%%, Uaine %d%%, Gorm %d%%, Alfa %d%%Ú_sáideoir CláraitheJabanna á nDiúltúFeidhmchláir GaolmharaMeabhraigh go d_eoMeabhraigh focal faire go dtí go _logálann tú amachAthainmnigh…TaifeachDeas go cléDeas go clé, bun go barrDeas go clé, barr go bunSVG_Sáithiú:Céanna le --no-wintabSans 12CuardaighRúndaRoghnaigh FeidhmchlárRoghnaigh _UileRoghnaigh ComhadRoghnaigh ainm comhaidRoghnaigh uileRoghnaigh an dath atá uait ón bhfáinne amuigh. Roghnaigh dorchadas nó gile an datha sin leis an triantán istigh.Ciumhais Ghearr (Smeach)Taispeáin Roghanna GTK+Taispeáin Com_haid FolaitheTaispeáin _Acmhainní PríobháideachaTaispeáin Colún _MéideTaispeáin _AmTaispeáin suíomhanna eile_Méid:Méid an phailéid sa mhód 8-giotánFoinse:Caighdeánach%s á Thosú_Scothoiriúint_Nasc_GearrLaghdaigh EangEarráidAimsigh agus _IonadaighMéadaigh EangEolasTírdhreachSocrú _LeathanaighPortráidRéamh_amharc PriontálaCeistTírdhreach aisiompaithePortráid aisiompaitheSábháil M_arRoghnaigh _Gach RudRabhadhSúmáil _IsteachSúmáil _Amach_Maidir Leis SeoCuir _LeisCuir i bh_Feidhm_Ardaitheach_Trom_CD-ROM_Cealaigh_Láraigh_Glan_Dún_Dath_Tiontaigh_Cóipeáil_ScriosÍ_slitheach_Cuir i Leataobh_DínascCuir in _Eagar_Rith_Comhad_Líon_AimsighDiosca _Bog_Cló_LánscáileánDiosca _CruaCab_hair_Baile_Innéacs_EolasCló _Iodálach_Léim Go_Fág LánscáileánAr _ChléLío_nra_Nua_Níl_GnáthmhéidTá g_o Maith_OscailG_reamaigh_Sainroghanna_Priontáil_Airíonna_Scoir_Athfheidhmigh_Athnuaigh_Bain_FillAr _Dheis_Sábháil_Litriú_StadLíne _Trí_Díscrios_Líne FaoiCea_laigh_Tá_Sos_Roimhe SeoAt_ochrais_Ar AghaidhAr _Aghaidh_Seinn_Taifead_StadAr A_is_Bun:_SíosAn _ChéadAr A_ghaidhAn _DeireanachBa_rr:_SiarCuireann polasaí an chórais cosc ar athruithe.
Déan teagmháil le do riarthóir córais.Sainmhíníodh clib "%s" cheana.Níor sainmhíníodh an chlib "%s".Brabhsálaí TeirminéilAimsíodh an tréith "%s" faoi dhó ar an eilimint <%s>Tá an clúdach ar phrintéir “%s” oscailte.Tá an doras ar phrintéir “%s” oscailte.Tá an comhad ann i “%s” cheana.  Forscríobhfar a ábhar má ionadaítear é.Níorbh fhéidir an comhad a athainmniúNíorbh fhéidir ábhar an fhillteáin a thaispeáintNíorbh fhéidir an fillteán a chruthúNíorbh fhéidir an fillteán a chruthú, toisc go bhfuil comhad ann cheana leis an ainm céanna.  Bain triail as úsáid ainm difriúil don fhillteán, nó athainmnigh an comhad ar dtús.Bhí an taisce ghinte neamhbhailí.
Is dócha gur an chúis ná nárbh fhéidir comhad sealadach a chruthú.TéamaTá fadhb ann le printéir “%s”.Ordú TopAn-RúndaBarr go bunBarr go bun, clé go deasBarr go bunn, deas go cléAistrithe agTrédhearcacht an datha.BruscarBain triail as "%s --help" le haghaidh tuilleadh eolais.Díchumasaigh aschur foclachDéthaobhachClóscríobh ainm den fhillteán nuaNí féidir “%s” a rochtainNí féidir %s a dhíchurNí féidir “%s” a dhíchurNí féidir deireadh a chur leis an bpróiseasNí féidir mír a aimsiú le URI '%s'Ní féidir “%s” a thosúNí féidir “%s” a stadNí féidir “%s” a dhífheistiúNíl ar fáilNeamhrúnaicmitheAnaithnidFeidhmchlár Anaithnid (PID %d)Mír anaithnidDíghlasáilDífheistighEarráid gan sonrúPróifíl gan sonrúScagaire gan teidealPráinneachAinm Úsáideora:RabhadhSuíomh GréasáinTaispeáint X le húsáidXSettingsTáInnéBlaosc Z_Cuir Leabharmharc Leis_Cuir le LeabharmharcannaGan _AinmCuir i bh_Feidhm_Gorm:_Bun:_Cealaigh_Glan Liosta_Dún_Ceangal_Ceangail Tiomántán_CóipeáilCóipeái_l Suíomh_Scrios_Braith Meáin_Dícheangal_Dícheangail TiomántánF_earannDí_chuirCuir _Deireadh Leis an bPróiseas_Clann:_Uaine:_Airde:Cab_hair_Lí:Ar _Chlé:_CeadúnasCuir Gléas Faoi _Ghlas_Feistigh_Bog go Bruscar_Ainm_Ainm:_NílTá g_o Maith_Oscail_Oscail Nasc_Oscail le Bainisteoir Comhad_Formáid aschurtha_Pailéad:_Focal faireG_reamaighCuir ar _Siúl_Réamhamharc:_Priontáil_Dearg:_Meabhraigh focal faire_Bain_Bain den Liosta_Athainmnigh_IonadaighAr _Dheis:Bain Tiomántán go _Sábháilte_Sábháil dath anseo_Roghnaigh_Tosaigh_Tosaigh Gléas Ildiosca_Stad_Stad Gléas Ildiosca_Stíl:Ba_rr:Dí_ghlasáil Gléas_Dífheistigh_Ainm úsáideoraL_uach:_Féach ar Chomhad_Leithead:_Táaábcdeéfghií AÁBCDEÉFGHIÍ%Ycalendar:MY%d%dcalendar:week_start:0default:LTRdefault:mmorlachCoireallach (Traslitrithe)Amáiris (EZ+)BroadwayStraithínAFIIonúitis (Traslitrithe)Mac OS X QuartzIl-bhrúNeamhníSimplíCórasCóras (%s)Téalainnis-LáóisTigrínis-Eiritréach (EZ+)Tigrínis-Aetópach (EZ+)Vítneaimis (VIQR)IME WindowsModh Ionchurtha XAltAudioLowerVolumeAudioMediaAudioMicMuteAudioMuteAudioNextAudioPauseAudioPlayAudioPrevAudioRaiseVolumeAudioRecordAudioRewindAudioStopBackBackSpaceBackslashBatteryBeginCtrlDeleteDisplayDownEndEscapeForwardHibernateHomeHyperInsertKP_BeginKP_DeleteKP_DownKP_EndKP_EnterKP_HomeKP_InsertKP_LeftKP_NextKP_Page_DownKP_Page_UpKP_PriorKP_RightKP_SpaceKP_TabKP_UpKbdBrightnessDownKbdBrightnessUpLaunch1LeftMetaMonBrightnessDownMonBrightnessUpMulti_keyNum_LockPage_DownPage_UpPausePrintReturnRightScreenSaverScroll_LockShiftSleepSpaceSuperSuspendSys_ReqTabTouchpadToggleUpWLANWakeUpWebCammmaschurClúdach #10Clúdach #11Clúdach #12Clúdach #14Clúdach #910×1110×1310×1410×1511×1211×1512×195×7Clúdach 6×9Clúdach 7×9Clúdach 8×10Clúdach 9×11Clúdach 9×12A0A0×2A0×3A1A10A1×3A1×4A2A2×3A2×4A2×5A3A3 BreiseA3×3A3×4A3×5A3×6A3×7A4A4 BreiseA4 ClibA4×3A4×4A4×5A4×6A4×7A4×8A4×9A5A5 BreiseA6A7A8A9Arch AArch BArch CArch DArch EB0B1B10B2B3B4B5B5 BreiseB6B6/C4B7B8B9C0C1C10C2C3C4C5C6C6/C5C7C7/C6C8C9Clúdach Choukei 2Clúdach Choukei 3Clúdach Choukei 4Clúdach Choukei 40Clúdach DLDai-pa-kaiedp EorpachFeidhmeannachFan-Fold EorpachFan-Fold Dlí GearmánachFan-Fold SAMFóilióFóilió spDlí RialtaisLitir RialtaisInnéacs 3×5Innéacs 4×6 (cárta poist)Innéacs 4×6 extInnéacs 5×8Clúdach CuiridhSonrascClúdach IodálachJB0JB1JB10JB2JB3JB4JB5JB6JB7JB8JB9Grianghraf MórGrianghraf MeánachClúdach MonarchOficioClúdach PearsantaPhoto LClúdach PostfixCeathairfhillteRA0RA1RA2RA3RA4ROC 16kROC 8kSRA0SRA1SRA2SRA3SRA4Grianghraf BeagSuper ASuper BTablóidDlí (SAM)Dlí Breise (SAM)Litir (SAM)Litir Breise (SAM)Litir Plus (SAM)Formáid LeathanGrianghraf LeathanClúdach a2asme_fb-pluscClúdach c5deedpfhagaki (cárta poist)jis execjuuro-ku-kaiClúdach kahuClúdach kaku2Clúdach kaku3Clúdach kaku4Clúdach kaku5Clúdach kaku7Clúdach kaku8oufuku (cárta poist freagartha)pa-kaiprc 16kprc 32kClúdach prc1Clúdach prc10Clúdach prc2Clúdach prc3Clúdach prc4Clúdach prc5Clúdach prc6Clúdach prc7Clúdach prc8Clúdach prc9Clúdach you4Clúdach you6curtha ar shosCoiscthe mar gheall ar fhadhbCríochnaitheCríochnaithe le hearráidSonraí á nginiúintStaid tosaighPriontáil á ullmhúÁ PhriontáilSonraí á seoladhAg feitheamhprintéir as línejab á phróiseáil%.0f %%%d %%réidh do phriontáil%d. %s_%d. %sCiumhais Fhada (Caighdeánach)AonthaobhachCiumhais Ghearr (Smeach)○❙aschur-trialach.%sAnaithnidanaithnid%d %%2000

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