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Path : /usr/share/locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/
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Current File : //usr/share/locale/ms/LC_MESSAGES/gtk30.mo

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Amharic (EZ+)Amount of blue light in the color.Amount of green light in the color.Amount of red light in the color.Brightness of the color.CedillaClick the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this entry, drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select "Save color here."Color SelectionCould not find the icon '%s'. The '%s' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:
	%sCould not get information for file '%s': %sCreate in _folder:Cyrillic (Transliterated)DesktopEmptyError loading icon: %sFailed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image fileFailed to open file '%s': %sFilesFontFont SelectionIPAIcon '%s' not present in themeInput _MethodsLRM _Left-to-right markModifiedNamePage %uPick a ColorPick a FontPosition on the color wheel.RLM _Right-to-left markReceived invalid color data
Sans 12Save in _folder:Select the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or lightness of that color using the inner triangle.Show _Hidden FilesSi_ze:SizeThe color you've chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to save it for use in the future.Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)Transparency of the color.Type name of new folderUnable to find include file: "%s"Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "%s"Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "%s",Unexpected character data on line %d char %dUnexpected start tag '%s' on line %d char %dUnknownVietnamese (VIQR)X Input MethodYou can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color name such as 'orange' in this entry._Add_Blue:_Browse for other folders_Family:_Green:_Hue:_Insert Unicode Control Character_Name:_Preview:_Red:_Remove_Saturation:_Save color here_Style:_Value:abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar:MYcalendar:week_start:0default:LTRProject-Id-Version: Gtk+ 1.3.x
POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-01 15:41-0400
PO-Revision-Date: 2004-04-04 01:11+0730
Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol@my-penguin.org>
Language-Team: Projek Gabai <gabai-penyumbang@list.sourceforge.net>
Language: ms
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Amharic (EZ+)Jumlah cahaya biru pada warna.Jumlah cahaya hijau pada warna.Jumlah cahaya merah pada warna.Kecerahan warna.CedillaKlik eyedropper, kemudian klik warna di mana-mana pada layar supaya warna dipilih.Klik kemasukan palet ini untuk menjadikannya warna semasa. Untuk menukar kemasukan ini, heret warna ke sini atau klik-kanan dan pilih "Simpan warna di sini."Pemilihan WarnaTak dapat menjumpai ikon '%s'. Tema '%s' turut 
tak jumpai, mungkin anda perlu memasangnya.
Anda boleh mendapatkan satu salinan drpd:
	%sTak dapat peroleh maklumat bagi fail '%s': %sCipta di _folder:Cyrillic (Transliterated)DesktopKosongRalat memuatkan ikon: %sGagal memuatkan imej  '%s': sebab tidak diketahui, mungkin fail imej rosakGagal membuka fail '%s': %sFailFontPemilihan FontIPAIkon '%s' tak wujud pada tema_Method inputLRM tanda Ki_ri-ke-kananDiubahsuaiNamaHalaman %uPilih satu WarnaPilih satu FontPosisi roda warna.RLM tanda ka_nan-ke-kiriMenerima data warna tidak sah
Sans 12Simpan di _folder:Pilih warna yang anda ingin daripada bulatan luaran. Pilih kegelapan atau kecerahan warna mnggunakan segitiga dalaman.Papar Fail _TersembunyiSai_z:SaizWarna yang anda pilih. Anda boleh heret warna ini ke kemasukan palet supaya disimpan untuk kegunaan masa hadapan.Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)Ketelusan bagi warna.Taip nama bagi folder baruTak menjumpai fail include: "%s"Gagal menjumpai fail imej di pixmap_path: "%s"Gagal menjumpai jentera tema di path modul: "%s",Data aksara diluar dugaan pada baris %d aksara %dTag permulaan diluar dugaan '%s' pada baris %d aksara %dEntahVietnam (VIQR)Kaedah input XAnda boleh masukan nilai heksadesimal gaya-HTML, atau masukkan nama warna seperti 'orange' pada kemasukan ini._Tambah_Biru:_Lungsur folder lain_Keluarga:_Hijau:_Hue:Sel_itkan aksara Kawalan Unicode_Nama:_Prebiu:Me_rah:_BuangKe_tepuan:_Simpan warna di sini_Gaya:_Nilai:abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar:MYcalendar:week_start:0default:LTR

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