403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/jwhois.mo

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@61<0)  --version                  display version number and patch level
  --help                     display this help
  -v, --verbose              verbose debug output
  -c FILE, --config=FILE     use FILE as configuration file
  -h HOST, --host=HOST       explicitly query HOST
  -n, --no-redirect          disable content redirection
  -s, --no-whoisservers      disable whois-servers.net service support
  -a, --raw                  disable reformatting of the query
  -i, --display-redirections display all redirects instead of hiding them
  -p PORT, --port=PORT       use port number PORT (in conjunction with HOST)
  -r, --rwhois               force an rwhois query to be made
  --rwhois-display=DISPLAY   sets the display option in rwhois queries
  --rwhois-limit=LIMIT       sets the maximum number of matches to return
  -f, --force-lookup         force lookup even if the entry is cached
  -d, --disable-cache        disable cache functions
%s: illegal option -- %c
%s: invalid option -- %c
%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument
%s: option `%s' is ambiguous
%s: option `%s' requires an argument
%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument
%s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument
%s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous
%s: option requires an argument -- %c
%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'
%s: unrecognized option `--%s'
Address family for hostname not supportedBad value for ai_flagsCachedCopyright (C) 1999-%d  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
End of file looking for '"' on lineError allocating memoryError creating socketError reading cacheError reading data fromError writing to cacheFatal error searching for host to queryFollowing referral toHTTP configuration is incomplete:Invalid expire timeInvalid limitInvalid limit in configuration fileInvalid netmask on lineInvalid port numberMemory allocation failureMissing key on lineMultiple keys on lineName or service not knownNo address associated with hostnameNon-recoverable failure in name resolutionOption http-method must be "GET" or "POST".
Option is missing:QueryingRedirected toReport bugs to bug-jwhois@gnu.orgServer does not support display commandServer does not support limitServname not supported for ai_socktypeString out of bounds on lineSystem errorTemporary failure in name resolutionThis program is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; you may
redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.Unable to create temporary fileUnable to openUnable to run web browserUnable to store data in cache
Unexpected end of file on lineUnhandled replyUnknown errorUnknown referralUsage: jwhois [OPTIONS] [QUERY][Host terminated connection prematurely]
[RWHOIS: Protocol error while sending -rwhois option]
[Unable to connect to remote host]
ai_family not supportedai_socktype not supportedhost not foundversionProject-Id-Version: jwhois 3.2.2
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: bug-jwhois@gnu.org
POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-14 14:08+0530
PO-Revision-Date: 2003-07-21 16:55+0300
Last-Translator: Eugen Hoanca <eugenh@urban-grafx.ro>
Language-Team: Romanian <translation-team-ro@lists.sourceforge.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
  --version                  afi�eaz� num�rul versiunii �i nivelul de patchl
  --help                     afi�eaz� acest ajutor
  -v, --verbose              output detaliat cu debug
  -c FILE, --config=FI�IER     folose�te FI�IER ca fi�ier de configurare
  -h HOST, --host=HOST       interogheaz� HOST �n mod explicit
  -n, --no-redirect          dezactiveaz� redirectarea de con�inut
  -s, --no-whoisservers      dezactiveaz� serviciul whois-servers.net
  -a, --raw                  dezactiveaz� reformatarea interog�rii
  -i, --display-redirections afi�eaz� toate redirect�rile �n loc s� le ascund�
  -p PORT, --port=PORT       folose�te num�rul de port PORT (�n folosire cu HOST)
  -r, --rwhois               for�eaz� efectuarea unei interog�ri rwhois
  --rwhois-display=AFI�ARE   seteaz� op�iuni de afi�are �n interogare rwhois
  --rwhois-limit=LIMIT�       seteaz� num�rul maxim de potriviri de raportat
  -f, --force-lookup         for�eaz� lookup chiar dac� intrarea e �n cache
  -d, --disable-cache        dezactiveaz� func�iile de caching
%s: op�iune ilegal� -- %c
%s: op�iune invalid� -- %c
%s: op�iunea `%c%s' nu permite parametri
%s: op�iunea `%s' este ambigu�
%s: op�iunea `%s' necesit� parametri
%s: op�iunea `--%s' nu permite parametri
%s: op�iunea `-W %s' nu permite parametri
%s: op�iunea `-W %s' este ambigu�
%s: op�iunea necesit� un parametru -- %c
%s: op�iune necunoscut� `%c%s'
%s: op�iune necunoscut� `--%s'
Familie de adrese sau hostname nesuportateValoare gre�it� pentru ai_flags�n cache(cached)Copyright (C) 1999-%d  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Sf�r�it de fi�ier c�ut�nd '"' �n liniaEroare �n alocarea memorieiEroare �n crearea de socketEroare �n citirea cache-uluiEroare �n citirea datelor dinEroare �n scrierea �n cacheEroare fatal� �n c�utarea host-ului de interogatSe urmeaz� referral c�treConfigura�ia HTTP este incmplet�Timp de expirare invalidLimit� invalid�Limit� invalid� �n fi�ierul de configurareNetmask invalid �n liniaNum�r port invalidEroare �n alocarea memorieiCheie(key) lips� �n liniaChei(keys) multiple �n liniaNume sau serviciu necunoscuteNici o adres� asociat� cu hostnameEroare ireversibil� �n rezolu�ia numeluiOp�iunea http-method trebuie s� fie "GET" sau "POST".
Op�iunea lipse�te:InterogareRedirectat spreRaporta�i bug-uri la bug-jwhois@gnu.orgServerul nu permite comand� de afi�areServerul nu permite limit�Servname nesuportat poentru ai_socktype�iruri �n afara limitelor (out of bounds) �n liniaEroare de sistemEroare temporar� �n rezolu�ia numeluiAcest program este free software f�r� ABSOLUT NICI O GARAN�IE; pute�i s�-l
redistribui�i sub termenii Licen�ei Publice Generale GNU.Nu s-a putut crea fi�ierul temporarNu s-a putut deschideNu s-a putut rula browserul de webNu s-au putut stoca datele �n cache
Sf�r�it de fi�ier nea�teptat �n liniaR�spuns nemanevrabilEroare necunoscut�Referral necunoscutFolosire: jwhois [OP�IUNI] [INTEROGARE][Host-ul a �nchis prematur conexiunea]
[RWHOIS: Eroare de protocol �n trimiterea op�iunilor rwhois]
[Nu m-am putut conecta la host-ul remote]
ai_family nesuportat�ai_socktype nesuportatnu s-a g�sit host-ulversiunea

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