403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /usr/share/locale/xh/LC_MESSAGES/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //usr/share/locale/xh/LC_MESSAGES/gtk30.mo

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	��\|G+�p5%M"�VyPdrxh)U(None)About %sAdd the current folder to the bookmarksAdd the folder '%s' to the bookmarksAdd the selected folders to the bookmarksAmharic (EZ+)Amount of blue light in the color.Amount of green light in the color.Amount of red light in the color.Artwork byBrightness of the color.CLASSCOLORSC_reditsCannot change to folder because it is not localCedillaClick the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this entry, drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select "Save color here."Color SelectionColor WheelCould not add a bookmarkCould not find the icon '%s'. The '%s' theme
was not found either, perhaps you need to install it.
You can get a copy from:
	%sCould not get information for file '%s': %sCould not mount %sCould not remove bookmarkCould not retrieve information about the fileCreate Fo_lderCreate in _folder:CreditsCyrillic (Transliterated)DISPLAYDesktopDo use the Wintab API [default]Documented byDon't batch GDI requestsDon't use the Wintab API for tablet supportEmptyError loading icon: %sFLAGSFailed to load image '%s': reason not known, probably a corrupt image fileFailed to open file '%s': %sFilesFontFont SelectionGTK+ OptionsGTK+ debugging flags to setGTK+ debugging flags to unsetIPAIcon '%s' not present in themeInput _MethodsInuktitut (Transliterated)Invalid file nameLRE Left-to-right _embeddingLRM _Left-to-right markLRO Left-to-right _overrideLicenseLoad additional GTK+ modulesMODULESMake X calls synchronousMake all warnings fatalModifiedNAMENameOther...PDF _Pop directional formattingPage %uPick a ColorPick a FontPosition on the color wheel.Program class as used by the window managerProgram name as used by the window managerRLE Right-to-left e_mbeddingRLM _Right-to-left markRLO Right-to-left o_verrideReceived invalid color data
Remove the bookmark '%s'Remove the selected bookmarkSCREENSame as --no-wintabSans 12Save in _folder:Select A FileSelect the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or lightness of that color using the inner triangle.Select which types of files are shownShortcut %s does not existShow GTK+ OptionsShow _Hidden FilesSi_ze:SizeSize of the palette in 8 bit modeThe color you've chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to save it for use in the future.The folder contents could not be displayedThe folder could not be createdThe license of the programThe previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you're selecting now. You can drag this color to a palette entry, or select this color as current by dragging it to the other color swatch alongside.Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)Translated byTransparency of the color.Type name of new folderUnable to find include file: "%s"Unable to locate image file in pixmap_path: "%s"Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "%s",Unexpected character data on line %d char %dUnexpected start tag '%s' on line %d char %dUnknownVietnamese (VIQR)Written byX Input MethodX display to useX screen to useYou can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color name such as 'orange' in this entry.ZWJ Zero width _joinerZWNJ Zero width _non-joinerZWS _Zero width space_Add_Blue:_Browse for other folders_Family:_Green:_Hue:_Insert Unicode Control Character_License_Name:_Preview:_Red:_Remove_Saturation:_Save color here_Style:_Value:abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar:MYcalendar:week_start:0default:LTRProject-Id-Version: gtk+
POT-Creation-Date: 2010-10-01 15:41-0400
PO-Revision-Date: 2005-02-08 13:20+0200
Last-Translator: Canonical Ltd <translations@canonical.com>
Language-Team: Xhosa <xh-translate@ubuntu.com>
Language: xh
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;
(Nanye)Malunga ne-%sYongeza esi siqulathi sefayili osenzayo kwi-bookmarksYongeza isiqulathi sefayili '%s' kwi-bookmarksYongeza iziqulathi zeefayili ezikhethiweyo kwii-bookmarksI-Amharic (EZ+)Ubungakanani bokukhanya okubhlowu kuloo mbala.Ubungakanani bokukhanya okuluhlaza kuloo mbala.Ubungakanani bombala obomvu kuloo mbala.Umsebenzi wobugcisa nguUkuqaqamba kombala.UDIDIIMIBALAii-C_reditsAwunakuguqukela kwisiqulathi seefayili kuba asinakufikeleleka ngqoI-CedillaCofa isehlisi-liso, ze ucofe umbala nokuba kuphi na kwiskrini sakho ukukhetha loo mbala.Cofa le ngqokelela yezixhobo wenze umbala onawo ngoku. Ukuguqula le ngeniso, tsala umbala apha okanye yicofe ekunene ze ukhethe u "Wugcine apha umbala."Khetha UmbalaIvili lemibalaAsinakuyongeza le bookmarkAyiwufumani lo mqondiso '%s'. Lo '%s' umxholo
 awufumaneki, mhlawumbi kufuneka uwufake.
ikopi ungayifumana kwa-:
	%sAyilufumani ulwazi lwefayili '%s': %sAkunakuyifaka kwisakhelo %sAsinako ukuyisusa le-bookmarkAlufumaneki ulwazi ngale fayiliDala isiqulathi_seefayiliDalela kwi _siqulathi seefayili:ii-CreditsI-Cyrillic (Ebhalwe ngoonobumba bolunye uhlobo)BONISA KWISKRINII-DesktopMusa ukusebenzisa i-Wintab API [emiselweyo]Ibhalwe nguMusa ukubeka izicelo ze-GDI ngokwamaqelaMusa ukusebenzisa i-Wintab API ukuxhasa isiba lokuzoba umfanekisoAyinantoKwenzeke impazamo xa kufakwa umqondiso: %sIi-FLAGSUkufaka umfanekiso akuphumelelanga '%s': isizathu asaziwa, mhlawumbi yifayili yomfanekiso eyonakeleyoAkuphumelelanga ukuvula ifayili '%s': %siiFayiliiFontiUkukhetha ifontiI-GTK+ekunokukhethwa kukoI-GTK+ ukusetha izilungisi-ziphene kwinkquboI-GTK+ ukumisela izilungisi-ziphene kwinkquboI-IPAUmqondiso '%s' awukho emxholweniIindlela _zolwazi olungenisiweyoI-Inuktitut (Ebhalwe ngoonobumba bolunye uhlobo)Igama lefayili alisebenziI-LRE esuka ekhohlo-iye-ekunene _ezinzileyoUphawu lwe-LRM olusuka ek_hohlo-luye-ekuneneI-LRO esuka ekhohlo-iye-ekunene inga _nanzwangaIphepha-mvumeFaka i-GTK+ eyongeziweyo iimodyuliII-MODYULIYenza ii-X calls zenzeke ngaxeshanyeBulala zonke izilumkisoElungisiweyoIGAMAIgamaEnye...I-PDF _Pop yokwenza ubume bolawuloiPhepha %uKhetha umbalaKhetha iFontiIndawo omi kuyo kwivili lemibala.Udidi lwenkqubo njengoko isetyenziswa ngumphathi wefestileIgama lenkqubo njengoko lisetyenziswa ngumphathi wefestileI-RLE esuka ekunene-iye-ekhohlo e_zinzileyoUphawu lwe-RLM olusuka ek_unene-luye-ekhohloI-RLO esuka ekunene-iye-ekhohlo inga n_anzwanga Ifumene umbala we-data ongavumelekanga
Susa i-bookmark '%s'Susa i-bookmark ekhethiweyoISKRINIIyafana ne --no-wintabi-Sans 12Gcina kwi _siqulathi seefayili:Khetha IfayiliKhetha umbala owufunayo ngaphandle komjikelezo. Khetha ukuba luzizi okanye ukuqaqamba kombala ngokusebenzisa unxantathu ophakathi.Khetha iindidi zeefayili ezibonisiweyoIsinqumlisi %s asikhoBonisa i- GTK+ ekunokukhethwa kukoBonisa _iiFayili eziFihliweyoUbu_ngakanani:UbungakananiUbungakanani bengqokelela yezixhobo nge-8 bit modeUmbala owukhethileyo. Ungawutsala lo mbala uwuse kwingeniso yengqokelela yesixhobo ukuyigcinela ukuba uyisebenzise kwixa elizayo.Okuqulethwe sisiqulathi seefayili akuvelangaEsi siqulathi sefayili asinakwenzekaIphepha-mvume yale nkquboUmbala obuwukhethile ngaphambili uthelekiswa nalo uwukhetha ngoku. Ungatsala lo mbala uwuse kwingeniso eyingqokelela yezixhobo, okanye ukhethe lo mbala njengokuba unjalo ngoku ngokuwutsala uwuse kwi-color swatch esecaleni.I-Tigrigna-Eritrean (EZ+)I-Tigrigna-Ethiopian (EZ+)iguqulwe nguUkucaca kombala.Bhala igama lesiqulathi seefayili esitshaAyifumaneki le fayili ibandakanyiweyo: "%s"Ayinako ukufumana ifayili enomfanekiso kwi-pixmap_path: "%s"Ayinako ukufumana injini yomxholo okwi-module_path: "%s",I-data enophawu olungalindelekanga kumgca %d uphawu %dIsiqalo se-tag esingalindelekanga '%s' kumgca %d uphawu %dAyaziwaI-Vietnamese (VIQR)Ibhalwe nguIndlela ye-X Yokungenisai-X display onokuyisebenzisaIskrini se-X singasetyenziswaUngafaka i-HTML-style hexadecimal kwixabiso lombala, okanye umbala lowo njengo-'orange'.i-ZWJ Zero edibanisa _ububanziI-ZWNJ Zero engadibanisi _bubanziI-ZWS _indawo ebubanzi obuliqanda_Yongeza_Bhlowu:_Khangela kwezinye iziqulathi zeefayili_Usapho:_Luhlaza:_Isahlukanisi-mibala:_Faka i- Unicode Control Character_Imvume_Igama:_Yikhangele phambi kokuyishicilela:_Bomvu:_Susa_Ukuzala:_Gcina apha umbala_Isimbo:_Ixabiso:abcdefghijk ABCDEFGHIJKcalendar:MYcalendar:week_start:0default:LTR

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