403 Forbidden

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Path : /usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/facter/
File Upload :
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Current File : //usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/facter/uptime_seconds.rb

# Fact: uptime_seconds
# Purpose: Return just the number of seconds of uptime.
# Resolution:
#   Acquires the uptime in seconds via the 'seconds' key of the system_uptime fact,
#   which uses the `facter/util/uptime.rb` module to try a variety of methods to acquire
#   the uptime on Unix.
#   On Windows, the module calculates the uptime by the `LastBootupTime` Windows
#   management value.
# Caveats:

require 'facter/util/uptime'

Facter.add(:uptime_seconds) do
  setcode { Facter.value(:system_uptime)['seconds'] }

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