403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /var/softaculous/efront/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //var/softaculous/efront/configuration.php

//This file cannot be called directly, only included.
if (str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", __FILE__) == $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) {

/** The database Host */
define('G_DBTYPE', 'mysql');
/** The database Host */
define('G_DBHOST', '[[softdbhost]]');
/** The database user*/
define('G_DBUSER', '[[softdbuser]]');
/** The database user password*/
define('G_DBPASSWD', '[[softdbpass]]');
/** The database name*/
define('G_DBNAME', '[[softdb]]');
/** The database tables prefix*/
define('G_DBPREFIX', '');

/** The servername offset */
define('G_OFFSET', '[[relativeurl]]/www/');

/**Software root path*/
define('G_ROOTPATH', str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))."/");

/**Current version*/
define('G_VERSION_NUM', '3.6.15');

/**Include function files*/

404 Not Found
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