403 Forbidden

Disable Functions:
Path : /var/softaculous/kirby/
File Upload :
Command :
Current File : //var/softaculous/kirby/_edit.php


// edit.php(For individual softwares)
// Version : 1.0
// Inspired by the DESIRE to be the BEST OF ALL
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Started by: Alons
// Date:       10th Jan 2009
// Time:       21:00 hrs
// Site:       http://www.softaculous.com/ (SOFTACULOUS)
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Please Read the Terms of use at http://www.softaculous.com
// ----------------------------------------------------------
// (c)Softaculous Inc.


	die('Hacking Attempt');


// All functions in this PAGE must begin
// with TWO UNDERSCORE '__' to avoid 
// clashes with SOFTACULOUS Functions
// e.g. __funcname()

// Note : The path of the upgrade package 
//        is $software['path'].'/' . So to
//        access other files use 
//        $software['path'].'/other_file.ext'

//The Edit process
function __edit($installation){

global $__settings, $globals, $setupcontinue, $software, $error, $replace_data;

	$__settings['admin_username'] = optPOST('admin_username');
	$__settings['admin_pass'] = optPOST('admin_pass');
	// Do we need to reset the password ?
		// We need the username
			$error[] = '{{err_no_username}}';
			return false;
		//We need the username and old password values 
		$file = sfile($installation['softpath'].'/site/accounts/'.$__settings['admin_username'].'.php');
			$error[] = '{{err_openconfig}} or the username does not match.';
			return false;
		soft_preg_replace('/username:(\s*?)(.*?)\npassword/is', $file, $user, 2);	
		soft_preg_replace('/username:(\s*?)(.*?)\npassword:(\s*?)>\n(\s*?)(.*?)\nemail/is', $file, $pass, 5);
		if($__settings['admin_username'] != $user){
			$error[] = '{{err_no_such_user}}';
			return false;
			// This is to obtain password method from install.php
			$replace_data[$pass] = __ad_pass($__settings['admin_pass']);
			sclone_replace($replace_data, $installation['softpath'].'/site/accounts/'.$__settings['admin_username'].'.php', true);


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