403 Forbidden

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Current File : //var/softaculous/lazarus/changelog.txt

Changelog for 1.24

Fixed - Comment now uses anti bot test text if question and answer is used
Fixed - Cookie login not working for some users
Fixed - Some users were getting error of Database has gone away


Changelog for 1.23

Fixed - SFS check not returning error on comments
Fixed - Admin area not using chosen database functions

Added - More domains to bad list
Added - String escaping when saving changes in admin for security and bug fixing
Added - Ability to select all entries on admin page in one click

Removed - asianet.co.th from bad hosts list as it was blocking legitimate users

Some stuff I've forgotten 


Changelog for 1.22

Fixed - User pics not being deleted with post
Fixed - Bad word checking was case sensitive
Fixed - Posts from Chrome on Android were showing as Chrome not Android
Fixed - Updated YouTube AGCode to support https urls

Changed - Space for name, email and URL increased to 150 to allow for non-western characters
Changed - Now just uses remote_addr for the posters IP for security and consistency

Added - Location now has a globe image that links to Google map of the location
Added - Support for iPad in browser detection
Added - Support for URLs that use non-Latin characters 


Changelog for 1.21

Fixed - Logout in admin was not deleting your cookie
Fixed - Seeing \n or \r\n in email notifications.
Fixed - Regression meaning thumbnails were displayed wrong size
Fixed - Image not showing for Opera browser

Changed - .htaccess now has more entries for better blocking on supporting servers
Changed - StopForumSpam address now uses their load balancer


Changelog for 1.20.4

Fixed - MySQL error if ICQ disabled or not submitted
Fixed - Entries not showing. I think browser detect was the issue.


Changelog for 1.20.3

Fixed - New Opera detection resulted in preg_match error


Changelog for 1.20.2

Fixed - SFS not working when both email and IP being checked and using fallback method
Fixed - Error on saving security settings if ' used in bot test question or answer
Fixed - Error message on some servers about undefined constant IS_INSTALLER
Fixed - Image Upload setting would always say directories were unwriteable
Fixed - Uploaded images not showing in easy admin
Fixed - Flash AGcode not working with youtu.be urls
Fixed - Slashes being needlessly stripped from email body
Fixed - mysql.class.php always being used even if mysqli requested

Changed - Faster deletion of redundant files in tmp folder

Added - Detection for Opera 15 and IE 11 useragents due to massive changes in useragents
Added - lazTop ID to top div so you can style the sign and navigation links

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